Why won't link in xml open from html?

hi all

i have a small problem with a flash scroller that i am using.
its a standard link the xml file that calls images and url for that image.

when i text movie everything works fine but if i preview it in html none of the links work!

any ideas what i’m doing wrong???

here is the code

System.useCodepage = true;
var tmp = random(1000000);
var xmlLength;
Str = new Array();
imageXML = new Array();

myXML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
myXML.onLoad = function() {
    imageXML = this.firstChild.childNodes;
    if (xmlItem.length == 0) {
    _global.picAll = int(imageXML.length);
        for (var i = 0; i<imageXML.length; i++) {
        kk = Str.push({url:(myXML.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[1].childNodes), imagepath:(myXML.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[0].childNodes)});
        if (myXML.loaded == true) {
        for (var i = 0; i<imageXML.length; i++) {
        kk = Str.push({url:(myXML.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[1].childNodes), imagepath:(weburl+myXML.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[0].childNodes)});
        if (myXML.loaded == true) {


here is an example of the xml


Now when i