Why you joined kirupa

Well i see all these threads about how people heard about Kirupa and I was wondering why you guys did. This just came to mind because before i even heard about ActionScript or opened PS I was approached to do a site (because i am considered the computer kid). Anyway, there was basically no time constrants so I figuired it would do it in a week or two. Well it turns out I am still not done! You can see by my post can’t i have been working on it for a while :whistle: like months. Anyway, I finally came up with a template of my site. None of the content is up and none of the buttons work yet but most of the layout is done.

I didn’t want to put this is Site Check because I wanted to here why u guys joined but I also wanted for you guys to let me know what you thought of my site. This is my first Flash site EVER, before i knew what AS was or owned PS so be gentle.

Things to take into consideration before judging is my ‘client’ didn’t want any sound. They thought it would be annoying. The first transition in the header is bland because i will have a single-sentence news update there when the website is done. I will also have pictures that load externally for most of the sections when i get the content. Here is the URL:


This is my first site ever so i am pretty proud considering i never opened flash or ps before this. Thanks to all you Kirupians who showed me the knowledge to make this site! Thanks


By the way, I havent even opened the HTML yet so its not centered and I haven’t applied a background yet (it will probably be 10% opacity blue vertical lines). I will also optimize the fonts for the main menu. Its also quite snappy animation with a VERY high FPS but the crappy host makes it look kinda glitchy.