Widht & height of a mc = 100%?

im figthing to find a code that hrlp me on this task
and i want to know if someone find it or know how to do the next:

i insert a swf widht the swfobject.js method
the movie is placed on the html as 100% on widht and height and i set the param of scale as “noScale”
this swf is in a popup that opens at fullscreen

i want to make that a mc inside the swf fit at 100% of widht and height, but i dont use allowscale coss if i load a mc inside, the text is gonna be all broken (specially if i use bitmap text). so, does anybody knows how i can make that a mc would be fullscreen as a property? i know is with the Stage acs but dont know how to use it
all the examples i found are used to align a mc, but i want to scale it to fit on the window

thanks a lot