Wierd stuff!

for the past week ive been hounding fellow boarders for help with my portfolio webpage… and it finally works! YAY! thanks everyone =)

one thing tho… while doing testing, it seemed to only work when I viewed it locally… but broke like heck when it got uploaded!

.swf referencing problem maybe?

anyway, yall can check out all the files here… “Main1.html” is the whole thing


also, try downloading all the files to your computer… you’ll see when you run main1.html that it works fine…

but doesnt work on the web

currently the loadmovie action is just “file.swf”

does it need to be "http://www.rigneygraphics.com/jesse/flashtesting/“file.swf”


good lord im such a NEWB

i switched all the files to the main directory instead of the sub… and it worked…

pardon the spamage! dont hit me with the ban stick :smiley:

If the external swf is in the same folder as your main swf, then it should be only “file.swf”.