Will there ever be a dreamweaver section in Kirupa? Or maybe just the forum? Or how about having forums for freehand and Fireworks?
i like that suggestion a lot. Just not sure kirupa.com was meant
to be an html help page.
we’ll see…mods?
I made a poll for this a while ago… and I really want one.
Yeh I also asked about Fireworks and possibly a studio mx forum for all of the other progs
I can create some tut’s
I am better at Dreamweaver and esspecialy Fireworks then anything else…
Fireworks, dreamweaver, and flash… my strongest tools too.
I think me and russian beer could help a lot
I think I would be able to tackle almost every problem… and there is probably a lot of other people in here that could help help people
Well Phil,
I know a good ammount, and I am willing to share what I know, I am willing to write a few tuts, and do whatever is required… And I can still look it up, so I am all go for this project.
ok thanks phil
lol the councils of kirupa that don’t exist… sounds promissing!
Yeah, lets just see if anyone else stumbles on this thread…
The best way to ensure the new forum is to create tutorials for it. Then Kirupa will have material to populate a new forum. That is the reason we don’t have a PS forum, because we don’t have enough tutorials yet…
So, Russianbeer, et.al., start writing tutorials on Dreamweaver, Fireworks, etc. and then we will have a better chance of getting the new forum up and running.
There did used to be an HTML based forum, but I think everything became merged into the Server-side/Scripting one because people didn’t use it as much as the Flash ones.
Admitedly the title of Server-side/Scripting doen’t exactly lend itself to HTML… I think it might be worth looking at if there is the demand. I for one wouldn’t mind answering questions about Dreamweaver.
Like I said, I’m game… I’l start with a “tips” paper and post that as soon as possible…
Hey RussianBeer,
Like several others have mentioned, once we get enough tutorials on the site on such topics, the forum will be created. By enough, I mean at least 5 tutorials or so :ub:
Kirupa :rd:
id be more than happy to make a few DW tutorials if your looking for an example of my tutorials check this old tutorial i made back in the days im sure i can make something beter now, this tutorial is not related to dreamweaver but its the way i make tutorials but id be more than happy to see a dreamweaver section on kirupa
Umm roger on the tut’s
where should I post em when I am done…(for review and everything)?