Anything that needs to be done!

Well, it’s that time of year again…for yearly evaluations! YAY!!!

Anyway, is there anything on the site/forum that you all feel should be changed, added, removed, etc.? Any thing that needs to be improved? Nothing is too trivial! Also if you have mentioned something that I “forgot”, feel free to bring it up here also.

Well, I’m really interested in your thoughts! If at all possible, be scathing and unkind towards me - though if it is too scathing, for your own safety, you should avoid walking over dark, lonely bridges at all costs.

Current suggestions:

  1. New Styles
  2. kirupaKlothes

Kirupa :panda:

That kirupa guy is a prick, can we remove him?

Just kidding kirupster! :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the new kirupa lab and the dynamic news. Next thing I could think of is ummmm, Kirupa clothes maybe.

More forum styles maybe?

I always wanted to wear a thong with the famous K on it. :love:

New Styles - sounds good. I have a few Apple and Amazon spoofs using their color and style that I may finish and upload sometime soon.

About the clothes - that was briefly discussed on Top Secret, and that would be a cool idea. Someone else will have to design it though - even I wouldn’t wear the clothes I design :block:

(throws a giant bag of candy toward dan for responding)

How about a Google style, I think it would look really spiffy! :wink:

Or a style that we set for the normal members if they make us mad. :evil:

A google style…sounds like a good idea.

more emphasis on server side scripting and databases, how about some coldfusion?

yeah, im kind of with Digitalosophy. This site kicks *** for flash there is nothing else like it and I will always look here for my flash needs but with such talented people frequenting this site I’d like to see more on other internet technologies as well. More Photoshop, Fireworks, Dreamweaver, and PHP tutorials would definetly be on my list of things I’d like to see more of. Hell, I’d even check out Freehand tutorials. I always wondered what Freehand was good for anyways…

And about the KirupaKlothes…I’d buy them :slight_smile: I really want a white hat that says on it.

my stinkin style is stuck at 24k …im compressin like a madman…

clothes man clothes…everyone ive talked to agrees it would rock

Digigamer exlained it well better then me lol. i mean with all these smart people around here im sure we can come up with a whole lot more server side stuff, even photoshop and all the other programs mentioned.

this is my #1 source for flash stuff by far, i’d like to say the same for a lot of different technologies, and with the people here it’s not too far away.

im not in anyway complaining :slight_smile:

Ok, I have created a thread about T-Shirts, etc. and proposed an idea to the mods similar to a contest. Once we get the rules and other stuff hammered out, hopefully in the next few weeks, we’ll try to change the lack of kirupaKlothing available :slight_smile:

Regarding tutorials on other topics, the problem is writers. We need more of them. As long as there are quality tutorials, I will add them to the site. This is similar to how we were able to get enough PhotoShop tutorials to make an entirely new section.

My knowledge is only Flash and an image editing program that nobody in this world uses :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Ok, I have created a thread about T-Shirts, etc. and proposed an idea to the mods similar to a contest. Once we get the rules and other stuff hammered out, hopefully in the next few weeks, we’ll try to change the lack of kirupaKlothing available :slight_smile:

Regarding tutorials on other topics, the problem is writers. We need more of them. As long as there are quality tutorials, I will add them to the site. This is similar to how we were able to get enough PhotoShop tutorials to make an entirely new section.

My knowledge is only Flash and an image editing program that nobody in this world uses :slight_smile: **

you mean MS Paint??? rotflmao anyways teh clothes thingy would really roxor i would buy a shirt with on it

i can see it now:

the front of the shirt: GOT AS???

back: AS=action script;
for i am dumb; gotoandplay (;

or something like that i dont know you actionscripters fix the script i just thought it, something like that would rock i would wear it to work every week :thumb:

hey, we need something (like a mouse pad) with XXVIII’s:


*Originally posted by grimdeath *
i can see it now:

the front of the shirt: GOT AS???

back: AS=action script;
for i am dumb; gotoandplay (;

um yeah you made some small mistakes.

AS = actionScript;
if (youAreDumb == true)
goToAndPlay (“”);

there we go

A java section of the site might be nice. Since you can use Java to make applets for the web it does fall into the web development catagory. I have been looking aroung and I have not found anything close to what kirupa is in terms of java. The only decent reasorce I know of is the site itself and that site largely resembles FlashKit to me. Most of the people posting are mean and selfish. I know that some of the other memebers of this site have asked about java resorces before so the need is out there. I’d even volunteer to write the first tutorial :x.

Well its just a thought :hr:

Originally posted by kirupa *
** New Styles
Does this include the thumbnail navigation thing we were talking about before? if not , thats my suggestion! :smirk:

*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**How about a Google style, I think it would look really spiffy! :wink:

Or a style that we set for the normal members if they make us mad. :evil: **

I thought that was the job done by the Pink style :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: What do people want to see with PHP? I’ll try to write some more.

Writing to online textfiles from Flash ! :beam:

I also can help with that one :wink: And once again I think Kirupawear is a great idea :smiley:

acually, I was wondering if you could, when a person attaches a file, still have the text link like you used to (makes saving things much easier) - especially in the pixelpeople thread, because I end up saving them as bmps and then I have to use photoshop to make them transparent and stuff for the ppk online thing. I told sintax all about this

Allright… Some cool things… I’d say…

Revamp the battle section… Everyone is right… it’s getting low and unusued… We need to make it more manageable… If we can give out cool prizes for some of the top name contests going on… Like K Shirts or something… I could possibly help out with funds…

Umm… Server side is allright… We don’t get “enough” questions to really expand it like the flash on this site…

I dunno though… Maybe a couple more things in the thread reply section would be cool… I’ll think up some things and gte back to you on those…

I’m full of ideas… Just hollar :slight_smile: