WIndowsXP SP2 Bugs

hi fellow Kirupians…

here it is… the 8th wonder of the world (wel Microsoft seems to think it) SP2… it has tons of new stuff… and seems to have 100drets of updates and bug fizes added to prolong you XP plesure…NOT! :frowning: :h:

Sinds this update i cant even see my flash site online or off offline… sinds this update i have to configure tons of stuff that worked fine befor i updated XP… is anyone els having this trouble with XP SP2?

or am i just that caffien adicted goof that just does’nt have a clue?

having this trouble with XP SP2?

I had a problem with SP2 beta.

I couldn’t get any Ftp program to work… I posted on here trying to figure it out and never did.

So I did what you do when things go wrong… Formated, and then the Ftp programs started working again.

So I never reinstalled the beta and have no intention of using the final.

I read only yesterday on the Microsoft site that cuteFtp is one of the 40-80 ? programs that has issuse with SP2.

I don’t know if it was just the beta, but I tried at least 6 Ftp programs including cuteFTP and none would work. I am not going to waste more of my time getting SP2 only to find that none will work.

Why didnt you wait in the first place? Im not drastically going to install it. When the official release comes out, probably Microsoft will reaccess the situation and then see what needs to be resolved.

Well this is suppose to bee the offical release from Microsoft so i dont know if its a beta… but after posting my my post here this is what i found sofar…

In an effort to head off support calls, Microsoft has published a list
of about 50 programs from both the Redmond software giant and
third-party software vendors that require tweaking in order to work
properly with Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2).

Among the applications that are encountering problems are Web servers,
remote desktops, file-sharing applications, FTP clients, multimedia streaming
software and e-mail notifications. A number of systems-management
applications and games also require manual modifications in order to work
properly with SP2, according to Microsoft.


“After you install Windows XP SP2, client applications may not successfully
receive data from a server,” acknowledges Microsoft in one of its
Knowledge Base articles published to its Web site.

At the same time, some “server applications that are running on a Windows
XP SP2-based computer may not respond to client requests,” the Knowledge Base article added.

In the months leading up to the recent launch of its SP2 collection of
security updates and other fixes, Microsoft had warned its customers that
a number of its own applications would require modification in order to work
correctly with SP2. Microsoft officials have warned that SQL Server 2000, Microsoft CRM 1.2 and Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 1.2 all would require tweaks.

In the recently published Knowledge Base article, Microsoft also admitted that its Visual Studio .Net development tools and Systems Management Server 2003 products may require users to open network ports manually before they work properly with SP2.

“To work correctly, some programs and games must receive information over the network. The information enters your computer through an inbound port. For [the new SP2] Windows Firewall to permit this information to enter, the correct inbound port must be open on your computer,” Microsoft notes in its Knowledge Base article.

Other third-party programs that may require users to open ports manually in order to work with SP2 include:

  • Autodesk’s AutoCAD 2000, 2002 and 2004 releases;

  • BMC Software’s BMC Patrol for Windows 2000;

  • Computer Associates’ ARCserve and eTrust 7.0 releases;

  • Macromedia’s ColdFusion MX Server Edition 6;

  • Symantec’s AntiVirus Corporate Edition 8.0 and Ghost Server
    Corporate Edition 7.5; and

  • Veritas’ Backup Exec version 9 and Volume Manager 3.1 products.

There are other third-party applications that are encountering difficulties with SP2 that are not included on Microsoft’s Knowledge Base list. While Microsoft is characterizing SP2 as a “critical” upgrade and encouraging all XP users to upgrade to it as soon as possible, many IT managers are holding off from pushing SP2 to users’ desktops until they are able to thoroughly test its effect on custom and third-party applications.

Last week, Microsoft published a toolkit allowing IT managers to temporarily block SP2 from installing before they are ready for it.

Why didnt you wait in the first place?

I am happy to use public beta’s even though they may have bugs, I like to be update.

But the Ftp problem isn’t a bug it’s a issue with something they have done, add to that the only single thing I liked about the update was pop up blocker for IE.
But I have now swiched to FireFox so have no need for that.

And it is now a offical release, and it states at Microsoft that cuteFTP wont work.
I dont know if there is a work around or not, I dont care since I wont waste my time downloading SP again.

thats the microsoft link that has a list of programs that dont work and games.

what version of windows dosnt suck:P

3.1 sucked… 95-98-XP I have no problems with…

And the Bule screen almost never ever shows it’s face with XP :smiley:

Yea, they disguise it with other things.

My theory is, if it ain’t broken, don’t touch it. For that reason, I turned off Automatic Update just to avoid SP2. My XP Pro is fine as it is, no need to screw things up.

I’ve been on SP2 since the early beta and I have no issues seeing Flash animations. Check your Security settings and make sure to uncheck the “Run Active Content on PC” or any other “Run Active Content…” boxes.

I do have the Firewall disabled simply because I am already on a router that takes care of that for me. You may want to see if disabling the firewall would help :slight_smile:

“Run Active Content on PC”

Yeah I had the same thing with my security settings, but you can add sites to your trusted list so it wont ask you again. (is that right ?) whatever…

Not quite. It just disables that yellow bar from appearing when you try to view HTML files that contain SWF animations on your PC. Some people also disabled the active content from working for online stuff like Flash animations on this site. I just wanted to make sure that sw00p didn’t have those boxes enabled and thus preventing him/her from seeing the flash animations :hugegrin: