Wireless Network Connection

What if you’re sleeping while they’re accessing your network?

I can still see it on the access logs of my router ;)… which I check quite often :smiley:

So would you ban that person from accessing it?

no… I’d figure out who it is and contact them ;)… not sure how yet though :smiley:

so probably ban them, plus my dad is a security freak (writing a book on mafia in the fbi… long story :P) so he’d do tons of stuff…

Lol, I’m surprised he hasn’t put security on your network yet :smiley:

he doesn’t know how, I do :smiley:

I thought he was a security freak?

he is… he just doesn’t know heck about networks :smiley:

he just trusts me to make sure I watch it all the time :wink:

Ok so now you have to betray his trust and let your network be hacked! Just because!

no… he knows I do it… and his computer isn’t connected to the internet anyways :smiley:

his computer isn’t connected to the internet anyways

Typical :stuck_out_tongue:

omg! LEACH THE CABLE! LEACH THE CABLE!!! :smiley: :smiley:
…wish i had cable…

Quoted from a mailing list I’m on

The law is mixed on this. It is clearly legal to provide a free
wireless access point for people to use. It is illegal to use an
unsecured wireless access point to break into a company’s database and
steal credit card information.
Recent cases involving lan networks have indicated that it is the duty
of the “owner” to make a reasonable and prudent effort to secure a
network. These cases arise when a “bad person” uses an intermediary,
unsecured network to attack the plaintiff.

The case of an unsecured wireless network device in an apartment
building is a little different than a tv broadcast because it isn’t
passive. Once you connect to the device, you use that person’s ip
numbers and bandwidth. However, I believe most reasonable and prudent
professionals would say that it is fine to do that unless you have
taken steps to prevent people from being able to.

There are huge debates on the morality/ethics of whether it is ok to
leech off your neighbor’s unsecured wireless. One interesting
discussion that equates the situation to trespass is here:
I’ve read a couple of threads where people have written heated posts
about how you are taking advantage of people’s ignorance, but I think
equating it to trespass is probably a better way to view the situation.
If you have a yard, it might be perfectly fine with you that the
neighborhood kids cut across it to get to the other side. The neighbor
next to you might not be fine with it at all. My experience with
wireless tells me the same is true. Some people care and some people
don’t. If you care, you should take some step to show you care.

Basically there are no set in stone laws regarding unsecured wireless networks…YET. As they become more prevalent and as people find out that people are using there networks I’m sure the courts will change this. But as of now, there are no laws regarding this…its your own morales and ethics in question.

no… it’s called leeching - it’s the same reason you can’t steal your neighbors cable…the signal travels over the same line and is in the same account, even the same idea for telephone service…

it is illegal, plain and simple.

ah well… good to know if your neighbour ever pisses you off :stuck_out_tongue: run a 24hr bittorrent of Fedora Core and get his service suspended :smiley:

hm…? bittorrent?

:thumb: :pleased:

No, its not illegal simply because the laws that would govern this type of thing are older than the technology. Its a very large ‘grey’ area at the moment, much like file sharing was when napster first surfaced. If I’m using your open wifi network, you can tell me to stop…but you basically have to legal recourse in getting me to stop. I’m sure as time passes the laws will change. If you find open wifi networks, you should do some research to find out if they are public or someone who lives near you that doesn’t know how to secure it. As I said before, its your morals and ethics that come into play, not the law of the land. But one thing remains clear, how would you enforce the laws once they were written.

quoted from:

But the state, known for its Live Free or Die motto, could become the first in the United States to provide legal protection for people who tap into insecure wireless networks.

A bill that’s breezing through New Hampshire’s legislature says operators of wireless networks must secure them – or lose some of their ability to prosecute anyone who gains access to the networks.

House Bill 495 would, experts say, effectively legalize many forms of what’s known as war driving – motoring through an inhabited area while scanning for open wireless access points.

Ok, whoa, legal snazz, out of my league :stuck_out_tongue:

no… it’s called leeching - it’s the same reason you can’t steal your neighbors cable…the signal travels over the same line and is in the same account, even the same idea for telephone service…

it is illegal, plain and simple.

Why? because prstudio says its illegal? If there is no law against it its not illegal. It may be immoral to you, i personally dont feel convicted about doing it.