Wireless Network Connection

Alright just a quick question…Is it illegal to connect to someone’s wireless network without them knowing about it? I just moved into an apartment and was contemplating spending like 50 dollars a month on cable internet when i came across 3 different wireless networks within range. Ive been using them for the past 2 weeks, but im not sure if its legal or not. Can anyone let me know? :drool:

I don’t know, can you be traced? Which reminds me, I better secure mine from guys like you.

We have our wireless access password protected, etc. It’s probably not legal, seeing as you’re having to ask, instead of your instinct telling you its ok.

One thing im going to have to check on is that there is a computer lab here in my apartment complex and im not sure if it has a wireless router or not, i may be connecting to that one which is intended for public use. I hope thats the case hehe;)

Easy way to find out, send 5 kids in there with copies of CounterStrike and 2 girls who love downloading songs and movies, then try downloading something and see how fast it goes :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re basically stealing internet. Go for it, just be curtious to the owners (ex. don’t download big files too much or file sharing clients). Otherwise, keep your head down and stay off the radar.

Rofl Max, excellent advice… I remember there was some commercial about some guy going around at night looking at cars, purses, but finally goes into a house and watches TV. “Stealing cable is stealing.” Does this count as stealing signals?

Legal? Probably not.

But here’s something to consider. A person who doesnt encrypt their wireless network probably doesnt know how. Since this is a simple thing to do, its easy to assume they dont know how to protect themselves from viruses, spyware, etc,etc. And your connecting to their network!

You may be exposing your machine to some nasty stuff.

Most def illegal…75% sure of it lol

guess i better do some research myself cus noone seems to know for sure

it is illegal. plain and simple. stop doing it.

Who’s there to catch you? It’s not like it tracks you physically. For all it matters, it could be some guy parked outside! Hey, why not take advantage of what you get. Ethical? No.

that kind of thinking makes me worry about the future of our world.

I’m with prstudio … just cos it’s there, it doesn’t mean you can take it … same with dling mp3s …

Yeah actually in example, I have a neighbor, a 70 yr old guy who is really nice and all, he used to work for HP so he still has cable internet. I found his network and the SSID turned out to be “default” but im not connecting to it, because its wrong.

That’s probably the oldest person I’ve heard of who isn’t afraid of computers.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nuh uh man… my grandma has a Palm Pilot. She’s 95. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well now that guy isn’t, and your grandma is. :sure:

I don’t encrypt my wireless network, just because I want to see people trying to connect :stuck_out_tongue:

I carefully watch my router to make sure nobody connects that I don’t know about though, if I were you, I would definately not do it!

and it’s illegal :wink:

**** straight. :stuck_out_tongue: