Woho!1 No School

woho! i love power outages!!! first, there ws a 2 hour delay, then 29 individula schools, including mine!!! are closed for today

no fair!! im sick, and im still at school :frowning:

In India, you have a power cut every 10 hours or so. At that rate we wouldn’t have any school at all!

hey, do you know hindi? What’s that in your footer?

i doint have school either! CAUSE ITS STILL SUMMER! ahah

The good feeling of summer, I have about a week left of summer and then it’s my junior year. The year that I fear.

  1. SAT
  2. SAT II
  3. Prom
  4. SAT

Yep, I’m screwed.

seattlejaguar, that’s a nice footer and kartik kyon india ki aise taise kar raha hai angrezo ke saamne :stuck_out_tongue: , hey seattle i got a great font for ur avtaar, u can use it if u want.

hey man thanks for the font its awesome!!!

flacherjaz i cant understand ur sentence in hindi. i get everything except " taise". try spelling it differently :wink:

this is delhi’s language, i m sure kartik will understand :wink:


delhi slang…

so what dont u want karthik to say in front of americans ?

Yeah, still summer here.

6 days left. Must cherrish…

i never said only angrez wich is not limited to only americans only, its not wat i want or i dont want him to say in front of anyone…was meant to be a joke, he’s got his own views i have mine, may b he’s -ve about india and i m not, altho i must confess he was right about wat he said.Its’ true.

ok. i just wanted to figure out what that one word was lol. in mumbai the power doesnt go out that much. the water, on the other hand…

it depends where u live, i mean wich part of delhi…
Ofcoz powercuts are more in not very posh areas, even south delhi is posh but they have the power cut problem and sply water problem, where i live it’s kinda rare and we r never out of water, very posh colony, ex chief minister of delhi lives 5 min away so u can imagine urself.

day 2 of bliss