Woho Again!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! for those of u who didnt rwd my other thread, no school again!!! i love power outages. i have power, and the school doesnt. and the best part is, we dont waste any snow days because only some schools are closed. good, this new micrsoft wireless keybaord is soooooooooooooo loud

Good for you. 6 Days of summer left and counting.

lalala give me ideas on what to do please…

Pick a fight with someone online and then pretend that wasn’t you.

lol ive done that before. i make sns of other people’s names. been very useful

couldn’t you have told us all this in the other thread? :sure:

O yea, but very not fun when they find out who you are and get your butt chased down the next day.

that was yesterday’s day off

Sit on an egg and see if you can hatch it.

oh my god!!! a wilkd chicken!!! run for your lives!!!

Go spend time with ur girlfriend, if not, go get one. Mine is in the shower for more than 15 min already, beginning to worry me.

*Originally posted by seattlejaguar *
**that was yesterday’s day off **
yes, but today’s one seems to be just as boring and pointless as yesterday’s one :slight_smile:

pointless?!?!?! a free day of from school is never pointless. especially if u dont waste a snow day in getting it

Youa re kind of wasting it right now.:stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by seattlejaguar *
**pointless?!?!?! a free day of from school is never pointless. especially if u dont waste a snow day in getting it **
yeah, max is right… I was talking about this thread :stuck_out_tongue:


I wouldn’t be on this forum right now if I wasn’t waiting for my gf to get out of the shower.:sure:

lol max she got up to at least 30 mins.

yeah go outside!~

and hey where do you live to have all these outages?

i live in montgomery county, md
i think eilose is around here to. or whoever “boyhatesfrench” sn is