Wont let me import Class, error

I’m using one of senoculars tutorials for duplicating graphics, it uses 2 as class files, and I get what the problem is I just don’t get why it doesn’t recognize it here’s the error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MyShape.

import com.shapes.MyShape;

var shape1:MyShape = new MyShape();
shape1.graphicsCopy.lineStyle(2, 0);
shape1.graphicsCopy.drawRect(0, 0, 50, 50);

// draw shape2 using shape1's copied drawing
var shape2:MyShape = new MyShape();

// add to display list
shape2.x += 100;

and here’s the MyShapes.as

package com.shapes {
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import com.shapes.GraphicsCopy;
    class MyShape extends Shape {
        // graphicsCopy property
        private var _graphicsCopy:GraphicsCopy;
        public function get graphicsCopy():GraphicsCopy {
            return _graphicsCopy;
        // constructor
        function MyShape(){
            _graphicsCopy = new GraphicsCopy(graphics);