w00t! omg, this is sooooo cool. I just found out today, that my old UltraPad (which I originally thought was Mac-only - thick I know ;)) works on my pc! Which means I dont have to buy a new one… and… and… it’s MASSIVE! omg! I’m soooooooooo happy… I knew I should have tested it earlier!
ok, so I’m getting used to it, but I’m gonna give you guys the honour of seeing my first pic!
explain to me what a wacom pad is… i know it has something with drawing to do, is it something like where you can have a picture under it and trace it so it ends up on the computer or what?
yeah, the bigger wacoms (not sure about the smaller ones) have have overlay plastic sheet. so thats cool. basically, it’s just a big pad that you can draw on with a stylus. d*mn useful
y0u can with the graphire 2. but the Citus or whatever you cant (i used one and if you want a wacom, drop the 1500USD lol, its worth it! (ok maybe not but is sooooo cool!))
oh lol! so you like my pic huh? arf.
hmm well, I’ve been using it the past few hours… and it’s ok… still got to get used to it… but should prove to be a valuable asset