Worded preloader

hello all, its been some time since i last checked these forums cause i have been kinda bussy, so how is everyone.

i would of liked to posted a nice message just saying that but i have a preloader problem. please dont all kill yourselfs at once, because this is a tricky (for me anyway) problem.

i have a normal preloader that works fine. it goes in numbers eg, 1% 50% and so on if you know what i mean, but i would like the preloader to be in normal words eg, one, twenty, ninty nine.

so if anyone has a concept of what i am rambling about can they please please, try and help me. thanks.

Leave the first frame of your movie empty (all your content should start on hte second frame).
Now place a textfield with the instance name percentage on the first frame and apply this code also on the first frame:

p_array = ["one", "two", "three",...,"ninety nine","one hundred"];
onEnterFrame = function () {
	var t = getBytesTotal();
	var l = getBytesLoaded();
	percentage.text = p_array[Math.round(l/t*100)];
	if (l == t) {

I have seen this done before and have always known that it was done with an array, but does an array automatically read numbers 1 - 100 in verbal state?

PS. I tried your code claudio, and there are errors within the array, stating that the “…” must be followed by an operand.

did you type out all the numbers?..I think claudio meant for you to type out all the numbers, not use “…” in there


I don’t think I’m up for that, not for my own personal use anyways.

i think its a good script mateh but it dont work:

p_array = [“one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”, “six”, “seven”, “eight”, “nine”, “ten”, “eleven”, “twelve”, “thirteen”, “fourteen”, “fifteen”, “sixteen”, “seventeen”, “eighteen”, “nineteen”, “twenty”, “twenty one”, “twenty two”, “twenty three”, “twenty four”, “twenty five”, “twenty six”, “twenty seven”, “twenty eight”, “twenty nine”, “thirty”, “thirty one”, “thirty two”, “thirty three”, “thirty four”, “thirty five”, “thirty six”, “thirty seven”, “thirty eight”, “thirty nine”, “forty”, “forty one”, “forty two”, “forty three”, “forty four”, “forty five”, “forty six”, “forty seven”, “forty eight”, “forty nine”, “fithy”, “fithty one”, “fithty two”, “fithty three”, “fithty four”, “fithty five”, “fithty six”, “fithty seven”, “fithty eight”, “fithty nine”, “sixty”, “sixty one”, “sixty two”, “sixty three”, “sixty four”, “sixty five”, “sixty six”, “sixty seven”, “sixty eight”, “sixty nine”, “seventy”, “seventy one”, “seventy two”, “seventy three”, “seventy four”, “seventy five”, “seventy six”, “seventy seven”, “seventy eight”, “seventy nine”, “eighty”, “eighty one”, “eighty two”, “eighty three”, “eighty four”, “eighty five”, “eighty six”, “eighty seven”, “eighty eight”, “eighty nine”, “ninety”, “ninety one”, “ninety two”, “ninety three”, “ninety four”, “ninety five”, “ninety six”, “ninety seven”, “ninety eight”,“ninety nine”,“one hundred”];
onEnterFrame = function () {
var t = getBytesTotal();
var l = getBytesLoaded();
percentage.text = p_array[Math.round(l/t*100)];
if (l == t) {
please explain it again ?

Holy crap, I cab’t believe you typed that all out.

I tested what you have, and now that all of the array is typed out, it does indeed work.

all ur fifties are “fithty”

lmfao your right, well i did copy it all from a american lerning number site so…

(no offence should be taken or given, sorry)

lol yea thats my spelling,

please can anyone upload the .fla (mx please, not mx 2004)

cause whatever i try to doesnt seem to work,

thanks to you all