Work Funny

Just a little chuckle.

Booting up a dinosaur this morning after working on it and got this…

“Windows has detected new hardware and is installing it”

-System Speaker

yeah, hopefully I won’t have to go out to the site and download new drivers for my “system speaker” eh?

Hm…i wonder why you’d need drivers for something you send 2-bit signals to?

At least it didn’t say, “Windows has detected a new computer and is crashing it”

looking at your footer, i feel like i’m apart of something important thor…

*Originally posted by prstudio *
**looking at your footer, i feel like i’m apart of something important thor… **

lmao yea whats the countdown for?

It’s a countdown until thor asks me to marry him, obviously

I’m guessing christmas

another nice feature of the first release of windows 95…is the “scan for new hardware wizard” that sounds like a nintendo “excite bike” sound sustaining for like at least 30 minutes…

but at least it found the system speaker…

His count down is for the start of college, or at least I suppose. . . .

It’s until the end of the world :bad:

Oh dear. Souls at it again.

there is under 4 days left on the count down, so i doubt it will be college, to early…

there are 104 days mdipi

its 104 hours… its something this saturday… though thor, it should be THIS!

[swf=“ height=60 width=400”][/swf]


!!! :love:

so far away…:frowning:

my dear kate…

hehe yeah I know, does seem like a long time :-\

have you seen the Full trailer yet?

i have both the teaser and the full saved.


dipi, many colleges are starting this coming monday, so they’re letting people move in on saturday. It just might be that :).

oh yeah, I saw it the day it came out on Yahoo has a slightly different one though pretty much the same clips. The teaser too I pretty much saw as soon as it came out (I frequent /trailers a lot ;)) The teaser I didnt care too much about, but the trailer is pretty wild :love: