maybe it’s just me -
I never thought the popcorn jellybean was all the bad shrugs
It’s not my favorite, but I can eat em.
maybe it’s just me -
I never thought the popcorn jellybean was all the bad shrugs
It’s not my favorite, but I can eat em.
the absolute BEST jelley bellys are the pear ones. hands down. i wont ever buy the bags of mixed… just the “make your own bags” cuz i really dont like jelley beans, cept for a few flavors. like PEAR.
but its cool, they make boxes, and all the flavors are segregated, and then they give you little recipie cards to make flavors with. that used to facinate me.
more flavors to add to the list:
russian beer
soy sauce
computer screen dust
and butterfly
Have you ever tried the jelly beans that spawned from the Harry Potter movies? The “every flavor beans” (or something along those lines.) They do put ones in there with odd flavors… I don’t like sweets so I wouldn’t buy them but the person I went to the show with bought some, and had me try the “dirt” flavor… I wasn’t grossed out, (it takes a lot to gross me out) I was really curious how they made it taste like dirt. I have never eaten fresh dirt mind you, but if I had this is what I think it would have tasted like… There was kind of a musty/dusty taste to it.
They had other flavors as well…
earwax - This one really had no taste…
booger - Salty(ish)
vomit - I can not describe this tase properly…
Then there were other “Normal” flavors, they were ok I guess. =0)
no WAY. that is SO COOL NIANN. where can i get those jelly beans? ok… im a rediculous harry potter fan, plus, id love to taste the dirt. hahaha.
Buttered Popcorn Jelly Belly’s are my favorite! I eat them until i get sick!
The absolute worst flavor of Jelly Belly is Jalapeno. Some things just should not be allowed to happen.
Other Jelly Belly’s that i like:
Dr. Pepper
Green Apple
Golgi, my friend got them at the movies, but I have seen them in the candy aisle in the store… Jelly Belly makes them, so anywhere you can get JBs I would think they would have these. =)
I know this is an old topic but I just had the best jelly bean flavor,
mmmm i like lemon drops… those ones are some of my favorite beans of jelly… but i like most of the fruit jelly beans anyway
lol this is the second old thread of mine that ahs popup back up.
I was gonna mention the harry potter jelly beans but someone beat me too it.
i tried em’ all i would say the strongest one was black pepper. i thought i ate a mouthful of pepper. you should try them they are pretty neat…
my ocusins daughter searched everwhere for them and bought them for me for christmas…
they are actually a little pricey now though…
Who came up with the popcorn flavord jelly bean anyways? Jelly beans are made with jelly. Jelly is made with fruit. Popcorn is not a fruit. It’s the dumbest idea ever. I myself don’t like jelly beans all together so i wouldn’t have touched that one with a ten foot pole.
i don’t suppose any of you have accidentally eaten the jalapeno flavored jelly belly?
THAT is the grossest one ever, and it looks like green apple flavor…
I haven’t eaten jelly belly’s in years, but I do remember that my friend and I both loved the popcorn flavored jelly bean.
of course, this is coming from a guy who eats things off the floor…
Why does everyone hate Licorish?
I love the black jelly beans. Everyone in the world, every easter, should send all their unwanted black jelly beans to me. :beam:
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