Worst Jelly Bean ever

I have jsut tasted the worst Jelly Belly jelly bean ever. I bought a bag of assorted jsut so i could dample a bunch of flavors. One happend to be popcorn. WARING never ever ever try this jelly bean. It had to ahve the worst taste i have ever had i nmy mouth. The worst part is it ahs been a hour now. I’ve eatten spaggetie, cheese, gummie bears, and chips and all i can taste still is that **** jelly bean

This Jelly Bean is white wth patches of yellow and is made by Jelly Belly. I warn all of u DO NOT TRY THIS JELLY BEAN.

rotflmao an i thought you was gonna say it was the black jelly bean lol

Nope the Popcorn Jelly bean NEVER EAT THE POPCORN JELLY BEAN

k ill keep that in mind lo, anyways isnt popcorn for watchin movies?? lol

It’s awful what kinda candy they make these days!
I’ve bought several different kinds of candy that all taste like washing powder! (or whatever it is - the thing that you put in your washing machine)
Who is making these god-awful flavours?

This one has made me ill. It as ruend my taste for a while now. I thought i was actualy going to vomit a little while ago.

why would you eat a candy that says it is flavored by Popcorn?

I mean, popcorn by definition is not sweet…

that would be like a veal parmisan jelly bean…

You been sniffin’ the ink again Sintax?



Sintax, been there done that, and for what it’s worth, the taste does eventually go away. :wink:

They should print warnings on those things.

so it IS worse than the black ones? :!:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**so it IS worse than the black ones? :!: **

I can’t say for sure if they’re worse, I steer well clear of the black ones. I hate licorice, and I knew what the black ones were before trying one. But white with yellow specks? Looks innocent enough, so ya try one…

my friend likes the popcorn jelly beans… i think they taste like butter…


Im sure they have a purpose… Jelly Belly beans are good in the correct combinations. Maybe a dose of popcorn with a salt jelly bean and a couple of coke beans to wash it down and it might be ok :slight_smile:

they probally put to much butter on the jelly bean :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: =)

thanks for the warning =)

omG! i almost stoped eating Jelly Belly cause i kept getting horrible flavors like this. and you cant always tell them apart, now i just eat the sour.

the black one < any other

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**why would you eat a candy that says it is flavored by Popcorn?

I mean, popcorn by definition is not sweet…

that would be like a veal parmisan jelly bean…

You been sniffin’ the ink again Sintax?


Rev **

mmm…veal parmisan jelly bean…

I did not now at the time what flavorthe jelly bean was. Like I said before it was a bag of assorted jelly beans. It is kind of like jelly bean russian roulette. The coloration of it looked like it could be banana or somehting. I was so so wrong.

hmm, expecting banana, getting popcorn… yeah, I can see how that might throw ya for a loop.

I’ve always wanted Jelly Belly to make some off the wall flavors just to hinder those people from blindly reaching into the back and pulling out a bunch of jelly beans…

My suggestions for new Jelly Beans:

Toe Nail
Dog Hair
Bat Guano
Rubber Band

Any ideas for others?

Sintax: Believe it or not I have a few friends that think the Popcorn flavored jelly bean is awesome. lol I personally think its gross…


Did you get my PM philbert?

I got some free time so call me if you can. :slight_smile: