what is the worst movie that you have ever seen?
I hate like every movie I go to…
anything with a rapper/singer or somethin tryin to be cool… or basically any movie… im picky like that
I cant think of a movie Ive seen that I was completely upset with or detestful of. I think xxviii nailed it pretty good though
lol i havent seen it
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Science Fiction Theatre 3000 - Sci-Fi 3000. **
ah! yeah some bad ones do pop up there…
ya know what movie sucked massivley(spelled slightly better)?
Mars Attacks
that movie was horrendous
aw man… it was so dumb
aliens from mars came to earth and they like did stupid stuff that wasnt entertaining to people to kill them, but certain music made their brains explode or something… and then they killed the president
the end
I know what you did last summer.
Alex - pimpin the squares now… lol, i like it
haha im unique now!
:!: I own mars attacks. Theres some great scenes in that - I think.
(I didnt think I know what you did last summer was that bad either. Not by any means a personal favorite, but not horrible.)
sen - do you actually like mars attacks?
well I think it’s funny cuz its really stupid
but I know a lot of people that liked it… i just hate like every movie
Its not one easily appreciated. Burton’s movies can be hard for some to digest, though this one was a bit on the crazy side. Its not one you’d appreciate for its style or story, but one where you just have to appreciate the little catch-phrases and sayings which make the movie as enjoyable as it is (<-- not that its THAT enjoyable, there are better… but, you know).
The worse movie I have ever seen was called “Bats,” I don’t know if you guys heard of it, but it is the most retarded movie I saw.
My ex gf and I decided to see a movie last minute and that was the only one playing that time and boy was it lame.
yeah, I mean thats the best reason to see a bad movie… to make out! :love:
*Originally posted by senocular *
**yeah, I mean thats the best reason to see a bad movie… to make out! :love: **
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**so did you guys make out instead of watching the dorky movie, well did ya?
pj :P:P **
A gentlemen never tells and since I’m far from being a gentlemen…hell yeah we did!!