Worst names

Hey, what in your opinion, are the worlds worst names?
(not to be offensive to ne 1 tho)


guy: nicodemus maximillion
(lol, my moms friend is naming their son this)

guy: Ricardo, Atrus, Ashley :thumb:

Kirupa, Kazgaar, Jesus (spanish name), Ussay, Aaron/Erin (can’t tell if boy or girl in conversation).

Gus, CLEEB!!! Seabass
Omar Gustaf Lester

i hate the name spam

thanks, keep it going!!! btw stfu xxvii!!! j/k

jimbo, blobi, saddam, barthalemew, gayle, phibe, barnum, sacrot, pocahontas, guito, pinto, tractor face trey (inside joke lol) dorf, jacques, marlon, brando

“Dick” is a not-cool name…

*Originally posted by NaliWarCow *
**Kirupa, Kazgaar, Jesus (spanish name), Ussay, Aaron/Erin (can’t tell if boy or girl in conversation). **

ya i dont’ like Jesus either. The unisex names get me a little too.

“Phil”. Like come one use and “F”

lol j/k :stuck_out_tongue:

a stupid german name would be: brunshilde

I guess you guys can’t even pronounce it, but it’s not worth it anyways :slight_smile:

Nebuchadnezzar, Sergei, Barbara, Susan, Nikolai, Bartholomew, Bruce (god, i hate that name), Scott Stapp, Andy, any name pertaining to some virtue or trait (Faith, Hope, Daylight, Sunshine, etc), any name of the day or month (Wednesday, April, October…), Philippe…

Some names I do like are Aurora, Nicole, Kristin, Anna, Sarah, Kara, Jen.

I think how you like names depends on who you know, if theres someone you hate then I tend to hate the name! Or if I :love: someone I think they have a beautiful name.

  • Soul :s:


I dont like saddam either!

I am thinking of things I would never ever name my kids:

For guys-I dont really like milton, gerard, kurtis, harry, george charles, brad or bradley, dennis, stewart, walter, udai, osama, qusai

For girls-bertha, gertrude, caitlin/katelyn, paula, madelyn, martha, melinda, florence

I am sure there are plenty more awful names out there!

I don’t much like my own name (especially my surname) since it sounds so common… But compared to names like Rere has just mentioned I guess I’m lucky. :slight_smile:

It’s probably the old fashioned names that are considered bad now… Prudence, Morag, Doris, that kind of thing…

i knew a girl called Fukrah… poor girl…

we took the P out of her so much!!!

yea, and I am not a fan of some of the ones that were so massively popular for a few years like katelyn and jennifer…(jennifer isnt that bad, but there are a billion of them!

I wonder what a post of names we actually do like, would looklike!

i absolutely hate britney.

yea, i dont like that either, I am not a fan of the names people give their children that almost guarantee they will become a stripper like:
brittney, desire, deidra–things like that

must say though my favorite girls name in the world is ashleigh (spelled like that not like ashley)

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**I wonder what a post of names we actually do like, would looklike! **
New thread?

Haha morag

  • Soul :s:

Morag makes me feel so much better about my own names. :slight_smile: