I know there was a thread about the new features of ps cs here but the search tool does not allow “cs”. Anyway, I wanted to know if it was worth starting using CS instead of version 7 or keep using version 7?
keep using version 7
there’s not enough new features worth the money for it, wait and see what the next version will have
Download the trial and use that one for a month, then you’ll see if you need it =)
(I’m guessing not, so stay with version 7)
I have a freind who got PS CS and says he dosent need Ilustrator anymore because of it, says has good vector thingie…
I use CS and can’t really tell if there’s a big difference. As if I haven’t even upgraded… All depends on what type of work you do.
Go to their website and see the new features.
Ok thanks for the advice. Nice to see you back Phat7, RB
Yes, its good, but not a neccessity.
i am currently using the trial, i find it a little better then V7. Try the tiral, and if you like it, go for it:)
I have used versions 3 - CS on ocassion and 5.5 - CS almost every day. I would have to say that the upgrade features from 7 to CS really arent’ that great. The file browser is nice, but if you are browsing big psd files - forget about it. It lags the machine like crazy. It was ment for photographers. The healing brush has got a bit of an upgrade which is nice. The addition of folders inside of folders in the layers menu is a god send as far as I am concerned, but again it all comes down to preference.
Personally, I liked the updates but wish there was much more. If you are a regular user and these updates don’t sound really that great - stick with 7. And just like everyone else has said, there’s always the trial
as a web designer, i havent used any of the new features on cs and the only change i have really felt was the new splash screen lol.
Thanks for the replies. Im getting the trial tomorrow and if its neat, well I can get it from my friend’s dad for a lower reasonable price. Ill post back after I use it and see how it goes.