Wtf is going on?

Ok for some reason this stupid thing wont work. Its a simple test this is what I have. I have 2 files, test.html and test.php
this is what I have in my HTML file. Its a form that takes on textbox
<form method= “post”
action = “test.php”>
<input type = “text”
name= “test”
value = “”>
<input type = “submit”>

Ok and this is what I have in my PHP,
print “<h1>$test</h1>”;

WHy is it not printing my variable? Its like not communicating at all. I have a lot more complex code and it didn’t work so I tried this and it still wont work. Im a noobie to PHP and I have no idea why its not working. It is uploaded to the server which supports PHP.


print "<h1>".$_POST['test']."</h1>";

That’s a feature called Register Globals, which is now off by default.