X and y ranges

I remember reading a tutorial somewhere along time ago, but I can’t seem to find it.

Suppose I made an invisable box 15x15 and name each side a variable…


How would I detect if the mouse is in those ranges? Would I have to do an if else for each 4?

I think it’s better to use hitTest!


You have to make an empty movieclip and make it follow the mouse! Then detect if it collides with the box!

Yea, the thing is I want to stat as far away from any object I can… I don’t want any invisable grayness brought in from Flash 5 (-:

well only one if() is required!

if(_xmouse>= left && _xmouse <= right && _ymouse >= top && _ymouse <= bottom) {

I dont quite get what you want :-
Can you give more details?

Hey thanks Syko I’m trying that now…
I’m making reactions on mouse over certain parts of my movie.
When they go into this part, play this frame, that part, that frame… I’m just saying how do I create the invisible box, do what Syko said above?

Don’t work syko :\