
just saw it this weekend. not as good as i expeceted. hopefully next weekend i’ll be able to get matrix tickets. ::not a chance::

anyone else seen x-men 2?

i did =) twice it was a good movie =)
i liked it =) now im watching the original right now hehe =)

I saw it. However, the matrix is going to be SOO MUCH BETTER… I’m totally crapping my pants now.

X2 Was good…
Probobly because I expected it to be pretty bad…
But I thought it was better that the first…

*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**I saw it. However, the matrix is going to be SOO MUCH BETTER… I’m totally crapping my pants now. **

Yeah, it’s gonna rock!
I saw X2 last weekend. It’s pretty good IMO. Still better then Spiderman. It has good details and stuff.

See scince u all expect Matrix to be good, it will be crapy!

Yeah, you’re kind of right there. I’m trying to avoid new pictures or too much trailers and details though (when possible, 'cause it’s everywhere)…

But The Matrix is never going to suck. NEVER YOU HEAR ME!! :wink: