And feiticeria - what name do you prefer? XboxNext doesn’t sound like some name a child came up with…A child would probably name it with something that starts with “Play” or “Game” [hehe :bad: ].
I would like to see some originality and thought behind the name, if Microsoft is going to go with something like Xbox2 or XboxNext, I think they’ll be better with just “x2”.
A couple things here… first off, the Nintendo and Xbox successors are going to have the same companies making the “innards” of their machines. Because of this, you can kind of assume that they will be very equal in power. The only difference is what the company decides to do with it.
In terms of graphics card, the GameCube was made by ArtX, which is a subsidary of ATI, they were bought by ATI a week before the GC launch. So I’d assume, there’ll be some difference between teh ArtX and ATI technologies for next generation consoles, even though their under one company (that is, if both Nintendo and MS do use the same companies again).
Thats how Sony got such a jump on the market. They had laid down development packages way before anyone else to start making software. By the time the other consoles came around development houses were knee deep in PS2 titles and were familiar with designing games for it.
For the current generation, many developers gave up on Nintendo as the N64 was in dying and the Xbox just came out of the blue. Microsoft’s entrance is probably connected to their software development for the Dreamcast, which was why they were a late arrival (similar to Sony’s connection to Nintendo with the PSX). But by now, I’m sure the developers will know what to expect in terms of consoles, I doubt they’ll rush to choose a console.
Am I the only one who finds it funny that Microsoft is using the same processor that Apple uses for their new computers? ( And all the other G#'s)
Also, Nintendo and Sony have both said they are planning competitive releases too, so I think that they will all launch at about the same time. I don’t think it can be guaranteed that the new Xbox will launch first. Just because they claim to be ahead of the other companies, doesn’t mean that they are, because they aren’t participants in developing the other companies’ consoles.
"In fact, IBM and ATI, the two hardware makers responsible for the guts of “Xbox 2,” are developing Revolution. "
Gamecube ran on IBM and ATI hardware, so who’s copying who? (Not saying anyone said Nintendo copied Microsoft, but thats the way it came across in the article.)
As I said before, it has been used for all the consoles at one time or another - it’s kind of a default name until a code name from the manufacturer is given.
Cause to be honest, you could call every system “next”
Personally, I don’t like the way any of those consolename “Next” sound. I can see how it could be catchy for some people though. I don’t think that its unique enough for microsoft to pick it as a name though.
“Xbox 2” development kits have been little more than modified Apple G5 systems pre-packed with “Xbox 2” emulation software. “I heard [Apple CEO] Steve Jobs found it pretty ironic and funny that Microsoft has been shipping Apple systems to developers,” one studio source joked to IGN on the subject.
This is bad news for the quality of windows computers…