Xbox 2 in 2005?

Check out this info…

June 15, 2004 - It appears that Microsoft, which launched Xbox in late 2001 after Sony’s PlayStation 2 and Nintendo’s GameCube consoles, will be the first company to unleash its next-generation home console. The tentatively codenamed “Xbox 2,” set to receive a name revision before its release because Microsoft doesn’t want consumers to assume it’s inferior to PlayStation 3 based on end numerals, hasn’t yet been given an official release date. But just because Microsoft isn’t yet talking doesn’t mean developers working on early “Xbox 2” development setups are so keen to keep quiet.

A major software company already prototyping software for Microsoft’s “Xbox 2” told IGN today that the publisher “definitely aims to launch the console in North America for Christmas 2005.” A November time frame was given. A European release will follow in 2006, said the source.

IGN contacted another software firm currently working working on “Xbox 2” software, who seconded the news. “Let’s put it this way: a lot of developers crunching to get their games ready for a 2005 launch will be really pissed if Microsoft doesn’t get it out by then.”

Microsoft has moved quicker than Nintendo and Sony to get development studios preliminary next-generation prototyping hardware, another indication that the company hopes to get the jump on its competitors.

The “Xbox 2” will use PowerPC based architecture similar to the chipset powering Apple’s G5 computers. That being the case, Microsoft’s early “Xbox 2” development kits have been little more than modified Apple G5 systems pre-packed with “Xbox 2” emulation software. “I heard [Apple CEO] Steve Jobs found it pretty ironic and funny that Microsoft has been shipping Apple systems to developers,” one studio source joked to IGN on the subject.

Multiple software houses involved with “Xbox 2” development stand by rumors the console will not feature a hard drive, which would suggest that it might also not be backward compatible with current Xbox software. “Microsoft needs to make money with this system and so it’s going a pretty conservative route,” an insider explained, adding, “but that doesn’t mean the system is not powerful because it is.”

Microsoft is hoping that consumers, drunk on hit Xbox games like Halo and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, will be eager to step into the next-generation of home consoles with the successor. “It’s hoping the early arrival will not hurt it, but help it,” said a development source. “It doesn’t want to be another Sega Dreamcast, in other words. It wants to be a Sega Genesis.”

Presented with this information, a spokesperson for Microsoft said that the company “does not comment on rumors or speculation.”

The downside to launching “Xbox 2” in 2005, say insiders, is that it puts Microsoft in the position of being the first next-generation console to market, which historically also means it could be the least powerful of the three from a technical standpoint.

Preliminary tech specs for Nintendo’s Revolution (of which there are some half a dozen different versions, apparently) illustrate a console that is as powerful as “Xbox 2” in most respects. In fact, IBM and ATI, the two hardware makers responsible for the guts of “Xbox 2,” are developing Revolution. Given another year development time, Nintendo’s console could actually ship in 2006 as the more capable of the two hardware platforms.

Meanwhile, IBM and Sony are developing Cell, a proprietary, powerful new architecture that will be used in PlayStation 3. Some developers believe that Sony could delay the arrival of its next-generation console to as late as 2007 in order to create a Trojan horse for its budding Blu-Ray DVD technology, which promises to deliver high-definition DVDs into the living rooms of consumers, replacing current DVD-players.

Sony’s Blu-Ray technology has one formidable hurdle to overcome: HD-DVD. This alternative format, backed by such electronics giants as NEC and Toshiba and recently approved by the DVD Forum, is positioned to give Ble-Ray a run for its money. But HD-DVD could be squashed in the same way that DVD squashed DivX if Sony were to include Blu-Ray DVD-playback in PlayStation 3, instantly turning millions of gameplayers into Blue-Ray supporters.

Doing so would also give Sony a clear selling point over Microsoft’s “Xbox 2” as the only console that could play true high-definition DVD out of the box.


rumors, I hate these stupid things! Slow down Game Revolution!!!

While they are rumours, it does make a lot of sence. I think you will something come of these thoughts. I would not be surprised if next Christmas Xbox 2 was a big seller.

I am a fan of every next gen console that is out.

Considering I own all 3 :beam:

The taking the hard drive out of the system will seriously hurt …the option to download content from xbox live to the HD to exend the life of a particular software title is incredible. Takeing that away from consumers that are already use to that feature will cast a bad light on MS>

That said I am a serious junky and will probably buy it anyway :thumb:

hahah, I hear you Fester.

But from other rumours I have heard, even though there isn’t going to be a hard drive, there is going to be some kind of mass stroage device like high density flash cards or something… but who knows. These guys aren’t going to show their hand until they absolutly have to.

They won’t have a hard-drive. Just a card you may have to buy that hold like 5 times what it holds now.

I think the name is going to be XboxNext :).

That’s not a bad name Sharif… I have heard that one to. I have also heard the next Nintendo product refered to as GCNext, right up until the “revelution” was revealed.

So really, who knows :slight_smile: But it’s fun speculating! :thumb:

I even saw it on or something that said the name was to be XboxNext. That is like the hottest name I’ve ever heard for a console.

That’s cool. Maybe it’s a code name, like Dolphin was for the GC. Who knows, but I do agree that I like that name.

I wish Nintendo would have gone with N5 or something… but I guess “revolution” is good too :slight_smile:

I truly hope that put some thought behind the next name, XboxNext and Xbox 2 sound like some child came up with it. I really think its stupid of Microsoft or any of the other companies to launch the next generation system by 2005. The current generation is going strong and is at its peak, I’d say its better to ride the wave of support for the current generation before rushing out a 256-bit console.

I am a fan of every next gen console that is out.

Considering I own all 3

WHOA! Fester, what kind of fan doesn’t own a Dreamcast? :devious: j/k

Well I would like to see possible a preview for it in next years E3 game show, that’d be rad. But really, Xbox (1) has so many possiblities and games coming out, and now possibly a second one? What now, Halo 3?

Actually, now that I said that, have y’all heard that the Bungie Manager, or someone like that left, and is starting his own company with Halo physics?

No more Halo after 2 :wink:

He’s right Halo 3 will not make it

which is fine because Halo 2 is all you need, I mean if you add the changes to Halo 2 (as much as they changed for Halo>Halo 2) than you would have a totally different game

Also all the DLC for Halo 2 will cause it to last a long time :thumb:


Sold on ebay a long time ago.

You never know - maybe bungie will want to make a Halo 3…but let’s not jump to that because we’ve been waiting like a year for this game to come out and it still hasn’t launched :trout:.

And feiticeria - what name do you prefer? XboxNext doesn’t sound like some name a child came up with…A child would probably name it with something that starts with “Play” or “Game” [hehe :bad:].

I dont.

Thats how Sony got such a jump on the market. They had laid down development packages way before anyone else to start making software. By the time the other consoles came around development houses were knee deep in PS2 titles and were familiar with designing games for it.

I am sure MS has the same strategy with XB2

Whatever we’re thinking, I’m sure microsoft will surprise us somehow.

But what about Playstation 3?

Didn’t you guys remeber hearing something about that? I remember that all these people were hyped over it, but now, it’s gone?
Also, in one of my magazines, they have a article on PSX, which seems to be like the PS3…

definitely. And the article above fits with all the other rumors/info I’ve read so far. Xbox needs to get some sort of advantage in the market. Having the superior system technically was nice for this generation, but we’ve alreadys seen the less capable PS2 dominate the market. The PS2 is also, much like the PS1 before it, basically a number cruncher/polygon pusher. More raw power than elegant technical design. I think this is what Xbox 2 is striving for as well to keep things cheap and to be able to get its system out on the market close to a year before the others, both of which (PS and Nintendo) seem to be wrapped up in some gimmicky technology; PS with its cell junk and Nintendo with whatever they think they have. If Xbox can get out quick with impressive graphics, decent gameplay (nothing really needs to be great here to make a good first impression) and an excelent presentation of their new system, they’ll have a good chance at regaining some ground, and maybe, just maybe, create a system they might be able to make money off of.

As for naming, PS I can definitely see being 3. Nintendo will have something new; Revolution is just a codename like Dolphin. That will change. To what, I dont know. At least we know “super” prefixes and numbers (n64) are most likely out. I dont suspect they’ll take the GC 2 route, and more than likely think GCNext was never a consideration - that going off a competitors next gen systems code name being just rediculous. And XboxNext isnt any good either. Thats too much of a mouthful if you ask me. It’ll be interesting to see what they come up with.

Im not sure but I think PSX is just a PS2 with tons of snazy features

A couple things here… first off, the Nintendo and Xbox successors are going to have the same companies making the “innards” of their machines. Because of this, you can kind of assume that they will be very equal in power. The only difference is what the company decides to do with it. I think if Microsoft was to come to market with a quick console like Sony did they will have some problems. Especially if Nintendo launches a few months after in 2006 with a little more powerful console and some kind of “revolution” to the gaming industry. If it’s reveloutionary enough I think you will see a huge swing in sales. You can bet that Nintendo won’t let the Xbox or Sony launch a year or more in front of it again - it’s the reason they can’t catch up anymore. Well that and the thing was purple!

If Xbox is smart they will hold off till 2006, launch with Halo 3, Perfect Dark, some killer sports titles from ESPN and a Bio Ware RPG.

If Nintendo was smart they would launch the same time as Xbox with a new Mario, Legend of Zelda, RE5 and some killer sports titles from ESPN as well.

As for Sony - who the hell knows. They arent’ in any hurry but just because they won the last 2 generations doesnt mean they are a shoe in for the next 2 - look at the NES and SNES… Nintendo was on top for a while too.

Oh yah, and they aren’t 256 bit machines. It isnt’ about bits anymore. :wink: