Xbox Live Users

Hey Guys,

Just set up xbox live over the weekend. I am surprised I even made it to work today and did not call in sick.

Just wanted to know what the users of this boards account names are?

I would love the oppertunity to wipe the floor with you all in Ghost recon and Mech Assault :slight_smile:

My Account Name is:


Go figure huh?

im waiting for it to be released in the united kingdom,


Didnt mean to sound rude. Just playing.

And Mrs Fester is not impressed. In fact she is quite displeased at the fact the livingroom TV now belongs to me.

hahahahaha…dont laugh at mine
DeadlyOrphan Somehow the game randomly chose that for me, because mine was taken. Or should I say it was one of the random choices. I chose it because it was hella funny. I woulod be glad to wax you in some GR. I do not have mech assault yet. Also I can own you in moto gp. add me to your friends list.


and i own at MA. #74 baby!