Xbox site

just trying out different designs. what do you think?

looks a little empty and I don’t like the circles… :slight_smile:

I like the header tho… :slight_smile:

tis a little empty, because this is a subsite, this is going inside a site… if it doesnt make any sense, dont worry. :stuck_out_tongue:

i like the circles… :frowning:

just my opinion, but I don’t think they go well with the rest of the page. You have a bunch of boxes and then three circles. They feel juxtaposed… busy… distracting… the site should be smooth and the images combine… they stand out too much.

i will see what me boss says first… :stuck_out_tongue: haha

I will try changing them to boxes. we will see what happens.

thanks though :slight_smile:

hey, you don’t have to change then, it was just my opinion. :stuck_out_tongue: you asked what I thought and I told ya. :slight_smile:

It looks great. Even with the circles it looks good, but I think that i could be improved upon. The boxes may look worse, I don’t know, I would have to try it and see. When I am making a website I try to repeat the same angles throughout the site otherwise things get too distracting…

alright. i will play around some more.

JMO but it seems very plain for its subject matter. A site such as this should be very visual and high in design quality. What I mean is alot of icons and eye candy that entices the user. This is just my opinion.

as i said, it’s a site within a site, so there can’t be a LOT going on, cause people will then get confused … if you dont understand, forgeddaboutit :trout:

yay or nay?

i like that much better… :slight_smile:



my boss liked it too. both of them, i think.

…if you didnt notice, i dont take criticism well… harrrr :trout:

yeah me neither. :slight_smile: I said I liked it, but the circles just seemed like too much… it was just my opinion anyway… no one cares what I think… :slight_smile:

I like the second one but I do think the header and nav bar are a bit plain. More the nav bar than the header. I would say jazz up the buttons and you have a winner there. I noticed you dont take criticism (heehee) that well. But eh that is what we are here for to piss you off :slight_smile:


lol :stuck_out_tongue:

brutal. :stuck_out_tongue:

Im not brutal…that is just my opinion I like Jubba no one listens to me. But I do like the layout, but me being in the gaming industry it does not get my juices flowin. check out their set up is similar to yours (kinda) just more engaging.

need something on the right hand side…like a curved menu with more options.

that big xbox logo just draws me over to there. i could care less about the store i want that logo. i think you should tone that oen down a bit.