Xlm submenu help

Hi xml expert out there. I need help.
please help.

1.I have a got xml menu but in this submenus are hidden. I dont want them to be hidden.
2. Onclicking the button it should load external swf in main.swf ,_target container.

Flash Code**

 // universal XML parser, please do not distribute this.
XMLNode.prototype.toObject = function ()
  var obj = new Object();
  var i;
  var t;

  for (i = 0; i < this.childNodes.length; i++) {

    if (this.childNodes*.nodeType == 1) {
      if (this.childNodes*.firstChild.nodeType == 3) {
    t = new Object();

    t.value = this.childNodes*.firstChild.nodeValue;
      } else {
    t = this.childNodes*.toObject();

      t.attributes = this.childNodes*.attributes;

      if (obj[this.childNodes*.nodeName] == undefined) {
    obj[this.childNodes*.nodeName] = t;
      } else {
    if (!(obj[this.childNodes*.nodeName] instanceof Array)) {
      obj[this.childNodes*.nodeName] = [ obj[this.childNodes*.nodeName] ];
    } else {

  return obj;

ASSetPropFlags(XMLnode, [ "toObject" ], 1);

_global.buildMain = function()
    _global.main_mc = _level0.createEmptyMovieClip("menu_mc",2);
    var $i;
        var $main_btn = main_mc.attachMovie("main","main_"+$i,100+$i); // attach the main menu button...
        $main_btn.number = $i; // remember what number button this is...
        $main_btn.title.text = xml.menu.main[$i].attributes.name; // grab the name of this button from the XML file...
        $main_btn._y = $main_btn._height * $i;    // space accordingly.
        $main_btn.original_y = $main_btn._y // remember this y coordinate now...
        // create some simple mouse states...
        $main_btn.onRollOver = function()
        $main_btn.turnOn = $main_btn.onRollOut = function()
            this.enabled = 1;
        $main_btn.onRelease = function()
            this.enabled = 0;
            this._parent.last_mc.turnOn(); // tell the last btn to play its rollOut state.
            this._parent.last_mc = this; // and now remember this as the last_mc pushed.
            buildSubNav(this.number); // go to the buildSubNav function with this number and generate the subnav from there.            

_global.buildSubNav = function($subnav)
    var $i;
        main_mc["main_"+$i]._y = main_mc["main_"+$i].original_y // reset the position of the main menu buttons.
    var $sub_mc = main_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("subnav",3);
    $sub_mc._y = main_mc["main_"+$subnav]._y + main_mc["main_"+$subnav]._height; // position the subnav container below its corresponding button.

    var $j;
        var $sub_btn = $sub_mc.attachMovie("subnav","sub_"+$j,200+$j); // attach the sub button...
        $sub_btn._y =  $sub_btn._height * $j;    // space accordingly.
        $sub_btn.number = $j // the submenu number...

        $sub_btn.title.text = xml.menu.main[$subnav].sub[$j].attributes.name;
        // and now similar button functionaly to the main menu above...
        $sub_btn.onRollOver = function()
        $sub_btn.turnOn = $sub_btn.onRollOut = function()
            this.enabled = 1;
        $sub_btn.onRelease = function()
            this.enabled = 0;
            this._parent.last_mc.turnOn(); // tell the last btn to play its rollOut state.
            this._parent.last_mc = this; // and now remember this as the last_mc pushed.
            // here you can have a getURL or whatever.
    // and finally, we space the main menu buttons below the subnav.
    if($subnav < xml.menu.main.length-1 && $sub_mc._height > 1)
        var $k;
            main_mc["main_"+$k]._y += $sub_mc._height;

// this function loads our XML file and when finished loading converts it to an object (via the XML prototype above).
// that object is then send off to buildMain().
_global.initMenu = function()
    var $xml = new XML();
    $xml.ignoreWhite = 1;
    $xml.onLoad = function()
        _global.xml = $xml.toObject();

initMenu(); // launch the program.

xml code:

 <?xml version="1.0" ?>

    <main name="Button 1">
        <sub name="Sub 1a" />
        <sub name="Sub 2a" />
    <main name="Button 2" />
    <main name="Button 3">
        <sub name="Sub 1b" />
        <sub name="Sub 2b" />
    <main name="Button 4">
        <sub name="Sub 1c" />
        <sub name="Sub 2c" />
    <main name="Button 5" />

Please please help…please