XML banner / gallery

•Basically, I need a swf that pulls in images from a folder using XML.
•XML values > Image name, caption, URL, time to show each image, global loop/ no loop,
•No Fwd and Back buttons (But it might be nice to have these for later? – although this gives problems with the preloading etc)
•Flash MX if possible please
•Image transition (last image fades down, showing the image below. Basically the images need to crossfade, ie no white / complete fading showing the background. If you want a sample of this see http://www.ojassociates.com ( I can give you the code for this if you want) – perhaps loading the images into levels and then shifting them
•The whole idea here is that it is just a sequence of images that fade “into” each other creating a nice display.

  • This needs to be dynamic and reusable, the images need to be able to be masked either in the movieclip / stage ( to allow for rounded corners / shapes etc)

Any offers on what you want for this?? - please quote in $$