XML Cadata HTML tags not working Dynamic text box

Hello , i am making an flash histroy the desc text shoud be accept the cadata Structures i tried to make this , i dont know where i am missing . i am getting the desc text in ( “filed”) inside an mc called " nod" i am loading this mc from library plese check my code


left.useHandCursor = 0;
var gata:Boolean = true;
right.useHandCursor = 0;
var current:Number = 0;
var file:String = “data.xml”;
radu = new XML();
radu.ignoreWhite = true;
radu.onLoad = function(yes) {

if (yes) {
    year = new Array();
    field = new Array();
    filed.html = true;
    is_pic = new Array();
    url = new Array();
    noduri = this.firstChild.childNodes.length;
    var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    _root.years_to_calc = parseInt(this.firstChild.attributes.difference);
    for (i=0; i<noduri; i++) {
        _root["line"+current]["nod"+i].content.content.year.text = this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[0].childNodes;
        year* = parseInt(this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[0].childNodes);
        field* = this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[1].childNodes;
        _root["line"+current]["nod"+i].content.content.field.htmlText = field*;

        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////HTML TEXT GENERATION////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        //_root["line"+current]["nod"+i].content.content.field.htmlText = field*;
        //field* = field.htmlText;
        ///field.html = this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[1].childNodes;


        is_pic* = parseInt(this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[2].childNodes);
        if (is_pic*) {
            url* = this.firstChild.childNodes*.childNodes[0].childNodes;
    // YEARS FROM TOP !!
    for (i=0; i<noduri; i++) {
        if (i != 0) {
            _root.years["puc"+i]._x = _root.years["puc"+(i-1)]._x+_root.years["puc"+(i-1)]._width-3;
        if (i == (noduri-1)) {
            _root.years["puc"+i].last._visible = 0;
        _root.years["puc"+i].ani.text = year*;
    _root.years._x = (920-_root.years._width)/2;
    //_root.years._width = 770;
} else {
    error.text = "Error opening "+file+"!

Please retry.";


<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” standalone=“yes” ?>
<root difference=“3”>

<text>Le Groupe AFS, propriétaire de la société Warsmann, rachète la société lot et garonnaise (47) <![CDATA[<b> <font size=‘16’>Boucharel</font></b>]]>, localisée à Saint Etienne de Fougères, spécialisée dans la menuiserie bois-PVC et la plâtrerie sèche.
Quelques chiffres :
Chiffre d’affaire : 3,5 millions d’euros
Effectif : 28
Surface bâtiments : 2080 m2 atelier production bois, PVC et stockage
Surface bureaux : 220 m2


See my attachment OUTPUT