XML - <![CDATA[ enclosed HTML tags appearing on output

I’m having some trouble getting HTML tags to be parsed and not appear when displaying them in a dynamic text field;

here is the actionscript i’m using to display the data:

var XMLDoc:XML = new XML();

XMLDoc.ignoreWhite = true;
XMLDoc.onLoad = processXML;
XMLDoc.load (“XML/copy.xml”);

function processXML(success:Boolean):Void {
if (success) {
trace (“Success”);
_level0.txt_Headline.htmlText = XMLDoc.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].attributes.headline;
_level0.txt_Body.htmlText = XMLDoc.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].firstChild;
} else {
trace (“Error.”);

here is the XML that im pulling out:
<subnav name = “Overview” headline = “WHO WE ARE”>
<body><![CDATA[<p>Next to our reputation, our greatest asset is our people. Design Forum’s team includes designers, strategists, brand experts, architects, engineers, implementation specialists, store planners, researchers and dozens of behind-the-scenes people who make it all happen.</p><p>We work with clients across all categories, including: retail, automotive, financial services, restaurants, as well as consumer products manufacturers.</p><p>The barn-inspired corporate headquarters is a paradigm of Design Forum’s approach and a symbol of our Midwestern work ethic. Built on the site of an old Ohio farm, its open spaces nourish a creative culture.</p>]]></body>

can’t figure out why the <p></p> tags are appearing and not being parsed.

what am i doing wrong?

thanks for any help.