XML Data not loading online

This is an odd one for me. I’m missing something obvious, but it’s passing me. I can run the swf “offline” and the following script posts the correct information. However, if I run the swf “online” (ie. on my server).

NOTE: website url and security usernames were removed for security reasons.

// the above is just here just for testing reasons 
//------------------------------site name removed

var baseMC:MovieClip = this;

//             XML Data
var theXML:XML = new XML();
theXML.ignoreWhite = true;

theXML.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
    xmlStatus.text += "success: "+success +"
    xmlStatus.text += "loaded: "+theXML.loaded +"
       xmlStatus.text += "status: "+theXML.status +"
    xmlStatus.text += this.statusMsg +"
    if (success){
        //var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes; // will be used later
        //usersonline_TXT.text = nodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue; // will be used later
        var nodes = this.firstChild;
        usersonline_TXT.text = nodes.attributes.userscount;
        usersonline_TXT.text = "not loaded";
    xmlStatus.text += " " +"


//            XML Load/Loop
// This is here in order to repull the user count every 1second (1000ms)
var intervalId:Number;
var duration:Number = 1000;

function executeCallback():Void {
//------------------------------site name removed

intervalId = setInterval(this, "executeCallback", duration);

//fill in some basic info
$server = "#############.com";
$db_user = "########";
$db_pass = "########";
$database = "usersonline";

$timeoutseconds = 300;

//get the time
$timestamp = time();
$timeout = $timestamp-$timeoutseconds;
$file1 = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

//connect to database
mysql_connect($server, $db_user, $db_pass) or die('statusMsg=Could not select database');

//insert the values
$insert = mysql_db_query($database, "INSERT INTO useronline VALUES
('$timestamp','$ip1','$file1')") ;

if(!($insert)) {
print "statusMsg=Useronline Insert Failed > ";

//delete values when they leave
$delete = mysql_db_query($database, "DELETE FROM useronline WHERE timestamp<$timeout");
if(!($delete)) {
print "statusMsg=Useronline Delete Failed > ";

//grab the results
$result = mysql_db_query($database, "SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM useronline WHERE file='$file1'");

if(!($result)) {
print "statusMsg=Useronline Select Error > ";

//number of rows = the number of people online
$usercount = mysql_num_rows($result);

//spit out the results

echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
echo "<users userscount= '" . $usercount . "'>
echo "</userscount>
echo "statusMsg=complete";