Xml loads locally but not online

Im trying to load xml files on another domain on mine. This code works locally but not when i post it to my server. Can you explain what im doing wrong?
The url im trying to load

function parse() {
 xmlData2 = new XML();
 xmlData2.ignoreWhite = true;
 xmlData2.onLoad = loadXML2;
 function loadXML2(loaded) {
  testin += "loading222"+newline;
  if (loaded) {
   xmlData2 = this.firstChild;
   surveylen = xmlData2.childNodes.length;
   Title = xmlData2.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.title;
   Des = xmlData2.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.description;
   screenshot = xmlData2.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.screenshot;
   testin += "xmlData2 = "+xmlData2;
  } else {