hello all.
i have an xml drop-down box in flash 8. i want to tell it to go to a specific frame or frame label but i dont know how.
the XML is below. i dont think including the flash is necessary.
<?xml version=“1.0”?>
<settings closetime=“100” type=“horizontal” align=“left” valign=“top” margin=“659,351,0,0”/>
<style name="style1">
<menu color="FFFFFF" alpha="80" left="-3" top="4" padding="2,2,2,2">
<darkborder color="a59b87" alpha="100" width="1" />
<lightborder color="a59b87" alpha="100" width="1" />
<item width="138" height="0" target="_self">
<normal color="FFFFFF" alpha="0">
<text color="000000" size="9" face="Verdana" align="left" bold="true" italic="false" underline="false" />
<arrow color="222222" alpha="100" width="8" height="8" />
<darkborder color="DDDDDD" alpha="100" width="0" />
<lightborder color="DDDDDD" alpha="100" width="0" />
<over color="ffffff" alpha="100">
<text color="000000" />
<arrow color="000000" />
<darkborder color="000000" alpha="100" width="1" />
<lightborder color="000000" alpha="100" width="1" />
<down color="888888" alpha="100">
<text color="000000" />
<arrow color="000000" alpha="100" />
<darkborder color="000000" width="1" />
<lightborder color="000000" width="1" />
<line color="000000" alpha="100" width="2" />
<style name="style2" parent="style1">
<item width="180" />
<style name="style3" parent="style1">
<item width="120" />
<menu style="style1">
<submenu label="All Elevations">
[COLOR=Red] <item label=“Bay Breeze” ACTION=“FRAME” LINK=“northern” TARGET=“grand6_floorplans.swf”/>
<item label=“Beachcomber” ACTION=“FRAME” LINK=“northern” TARGET=“grand6_floorplans.swf”/>
<item label=“Cape” ACTION=“FRAME” LINK=“northern” TARGET=“grand6_floorplans.swf”/>[/COLOR]