XML dynamic scroll dimensions

I have a working scroll menu of XML vids, thumbs and text. But as i try to set variables to set the scroll the parameters, I can’t get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.

itemSpacing = 36;

var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
xml.onLoad = function() {

var nodes = this.firstChild.childNodes;
numOfItem = nodes.length;
for(var i=0; i<numOfItem; i++) {
var menu = stroke.clipSummary.duplicateMovieClip(“clipSummary”+i, i+1);
menu._y = i * itemSpacing;
menu.clipText.text = nodes*.attributes.description;
menu.clipVar = nodes*.attributes.clip;
menu.onRollOver = over;
menu.onRollOut = out;
menu.onRelease = released;



stroke.onRollOver = panelOver;

function panelOver() {
this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
delete this.onRollOver;

var b = stroke.getBounds(_root);

**var begin = menu.firstChild._y;

var end = menu.lastChild._y;**

function scrollPanel() {
if(_xmouse<b.xMin || _xmouse>b.xMax || _ymouse<b.yMin || _ymouse>b.yMax) {
this.onRollOver = panelOver;
delete this.onEnterFrame;

** if(stroke._y = begin) {
stroke._y = begin;

else if(stroke._y = end) {
stroke._y = end;

var xdist = _ymouse - 92;

stroke._y += -xdist / 7;


function over() {
easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut;
alphaTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(this.bg, “_alpha”, easeType, 0, 60, .25, true);

function out() {
easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut;
alphaTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(this.bg, “_alpha”, easeType, 60, 100, .25, true);

function released() {