XML Emergency

I may have been staring at this a bit too long and am kind under a time crunch, so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

Just finished a dynamically loading video jukebox of sorts. Videos are all called and the Flash populated via an .xml document that is called to the Flash. The call is relative. In Flash it simply loads “video_list.xml” and goes about its business. That is all well and good until the .swf file is called to an HTML outside of where the XML document lives. Is there an easy fix? We built just one video player Flash file and have just made duplicates for the multiple players we have across the site (22 in all) so are hoping we can fix it with just one simple tweak.

I would use an absolute path, but the files will all be moving once they are made live from the preview server. And, all 22 video player playlists are built off the same, single Flash file, so it needs to function on a global level. Essentially what we’ve done is created one example folder for them. The folder consists of the .swf file, several flv files, the XML that runs the thing and that’s it. When they try to put an HTML file that loads that .swf outside of said folder, everything breaks.

Why is the HTML file essentially calling the file when it should be the .swf, shouldn’t it? Why does the placement of the HTML file matter at all if the relative connection between the .swf and the .xml remains intact?

Any ideas?

thanks, guys!
