if someone can shed some light to this matter… i’m pretty new (somewhat) w/ AS
let’s say, i got an .swf (voets enahnced mp3-player) @ [url=“http://test.pixelbebop.com/test08/”]http://test.pixelbebop.com/test08/ --which works perfectly at the moment. i then referrenced this .swf in [url=“http://test.pixelbebop.com/test08/case01/”]http://test.pixelbebop.com/test08/case01/ --which doesn’t work prolly because the .swf is calling the XML (i.e. “onlineplaylist.xml”) relative to its whereabout, which is /test08.
the question is, is there any way around this problem, so that if i put all .SWFs in a certain location (server/directory/what-have-you…), and referrence it from another server &/or directory (like above), it would work???
i know that the above can be simply fixed, by hard-coding the location of the XML file. i.e.
but is there a smarter way, cause i know this is probably the same when loading clips dynamically.
btw: using fmx2004pro