Ya, thats right, another xml gallery. Stringy motivated me!! :lol:
Preview one
Preview two
[URL=“http://2210media.com/xmlGallery/xmlGallery_Josh_Rhame.zip”]**zip file here
****zip file two with external text
zip file three with thumbs and images
[COLOR=Teal]Phoenix68[/COLOR]****[COLOR=Teal] added a version that has the main image resize with the browser window [/COLOR][COLOR=Red]here [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Zip files were updated at 12/12/2005. Re-download if you have an older version. Couple bugs fixed [/COLOR][/SIZE]**
Some things to note.
XML nodes are set up like this
<image color="0x8E94AF">
<description>image 1</description>
<image color> is the main background color
<description> is description
<pic> is the name of jpg. IMAGES HAVE TO BE IN A FOLDER CALLED IMAGES!
<link> is the link to go to when the main image is clicked.
The two examples are the exact same fla. This is what you have control over in the configuration layer.
** a: The thumb display, wether full screen or use buttons and the way the thumbs come in, either slide up from the bottom or just blink in.
** b: Colors: Thumb background, thumb preloader bar, info drop down box background, button background if “buttons” is choosen, arrow color, main image background box and hover caption background. I didnt give the option to change the text color because most will want to use thier own font anyway.
** c:** You also have total control over how everything is tweening. The main image box, the thumb slide left and right if “buttons” is choosen, the way the thumbs slide up if “slide” is choosen. And also the speed of how everything moves. Even the fade speed of the main image, in **and out.
** d: the border size around the image
e: if the first image loads or not
f: what you want the hover caption to say for the rollover and even if the node is left empty.
Here is a couple of FAQ’s that I know will be asked. :sigh:
**1: How come I get an error that Im missing an .as file.
**You need the laco tween component to make it work. Download the component [URL=“http://laco.wz.cz/tween/?page=download”]**here
**Download the extension manager here if you dont already have it.
** 2:How do I change the speed of the timer.**
Double click the timer_mc and just adjust the timeline.
Also, “nobuttons” and “blink” kinda work weird together. The thumbs load faster than the mc can center it self if the thumbs are cached. It doesn’t break or anything, it’s just cosmetic only.
The code for the fullscreen thumbs was taking from the flashlevel menu by **Voetsjoeba. **I do not take credit for this. But everything else is mine. And a big thanks to Scotty for helping me with a little math. ■■■■ thumbs
Any questions let me know. I will try to answer as many as I can. But dont expect me to change anything. I think I gave you enough options as it is :lol: Any bugs you find post them here, Im only human
edit: there is no MX version, sorry.
double edit: [COLOR=Red]Im already getting pms with people asking me how to install the lacoz tween and use it. I added a second zip file above that loads all the configurations from a text file. There is no .fla in that zip. If you dont have the lacoz tween installed, then whats the point [/COLOR]