XML guestbook

Hello people…

I did the tutorial of
the xml php guestbook here on the kirupa website…

I changed it a bit and tested it on my own server and that worked fine.
Now on the website it doesn’t… the guestbook.swf loads externally into a movieclip


I think that ain’t a problem.
But everytime i wan’t to add a message it stops working and get the warning after a while that a flash script isn’t working and if i want to end it.
IS it because of the server from the new website?
Is it because of XML? I changed the scripts both and i admit i’m not the best add it.
Here is a link to the original tutorial:
GuestBook tutorial

And a link to the website and my Guestbook:(please see both to see the difference with adding messages):
Leo Moreno

I put my new scripts with it so if someone can help me please do.
I did not change the php and xml file:
ThePHP file:

$file = fopen("guestbook.xml", "w+") or die("Can't open XML file");
$xmlString = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; 
if(!fwrite($file, $xmlString)){
    print "Error writing to XML-file";
print $xmlString."

The XML file:

<?xml version="1.0"?><guestbook><entry myName="Leo Moreno" myURL="http://www.leomoreno.com" myEmail=""><myText>Welcome on my new website. Please leave a message. </myText></entry></guestbook>

And my actionscripts:

var currPage = 0;
var showAmount = 10;
// set this to the amount of entries you want to view at a time
previous._visible = false;
createMessage._visible = true;
createButton.onRelease = function() {
	this._visible = false;
	this._parent.createMessage._visible = true;
	if (createMessage.nameField.text == "") {
	} else if (createMessage.emailField.text == "") {
	} else if (createMessage.urlField.text == "http://") {
	} else if (createMessage.messageField.text == "") {
// **** Load XML ****************************
myXML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
receiverXML = new XML();
myXML.onLoad = function(success) {
	myXML.contentType = "text/xml";
	if (success) {
	} else {
		trace("Error loading XML file");
myIdentifier = Math.round(Math.random()*10000);
receiverXML.onLoad = function() {
	this.contentType = "text/xml";
	_root.currPage = 0;
createMessage.sendButton.onRelease = function() {
	var myName = this._parent.nameField.text;
	var myEmail = this._parent.emailField.text;
	var myURL = this._parent.urlField.text;
	var myMessage = this._parent.messageField.text;
	if (myName == "") {
		this._parent.errorField.text = "Please fill out your name";
	} else if (myMessage == "") {
		this._parent.errorField.text = "Please leave a message";
	} else {
		myXML.firstChild.lastChild.attributes.myName = myName;
		myXML.firstChild.lastChild.attributes.myEmail = myEmail;
		myXML.firstChild.lastChild.attributes.myURL = myURL;
		myXML.sendAndLoad("processXML.php", receiverXML);
		this._parent._visible = true;
		createButton._visible = true;
XML.prototype.showXML = function() {
	myGuestbook.scroll = 1;
	myGuestbook.htmlText = "";
	var numItems = this.firstChild.childNodes.length;
	var firstItem = numItems-(currPage*showAmount);
	if (currPage == 0) {
		previous._visible = false;
	var lastItem = firstItem-showAmount;
	if (lastItem<=0) {
		lastItem = 0;
		next._visible = false;
	myCount.text = "Total messages: "+numItems;
	if (firstItem == lastItem+1) {
		nowShowing.text = "Showing message "+firstItem;
	} else {
		nowShowing.text = "Showing message "+firstItem+" - "+(lastItem+1);
	for (i=(firstItem-1); i>=lastItem; i--) {
		myGuestbook.htmlText += "Name: "+this.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.myName+"
		myGuestbook.htmlText += "Email: "+this.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.myEmail+"
		myGuestbook.htmlText += "Website: "+this.firstChild.childNodes*.attributes.myURL+"
		myGuestbook.htmlText += "Message: "+this.firstChild.childNodes*.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue+"

		myGuestbook.htmlText += "-----"+"

previous.onRelease = function() {
	next._visible = true;
next.onRelease = function() {
	previous._visible = true;

If someone will take the time to help me i’m very thankfull

Kind regards Jos Koomen
Hoorn, Netherlands