Happy New Year kirupa…Hope all you ppl had a great year and didnt stick to flash too much
I just managed to finish the xml menu i’ve been working on…
I’ve attached it here incase any1 needs something like this. Use it as you like. Let me know if you make any additions to it
[font=Tahoma][color=DarkRed]**UPDATE(04/2004): you can find v2 for this menu on page 3 post #31 [/color][/font][color=Blue][font=Tahoma]LINK[/font][/color]
[/color] **[/color] [color=DarkRed]**UPDATE(07/2004): you can find v3 for this menu on page 15 post #221
You can change the entry effects for the main items or the sub items by changing the tweens within the corresponding mc (‘Item’ or ‘sub’ in the library).
cheers hga77. It now works in a movie clip, but for some reason when i set up the scrollpane and say for it to use the menu it doesnt work. any ideas???
I’m not with u on this one…i’m not sure what ur tryin to do!
what exactly do you mean by saying ‘scrollpane’? You mean you want the menu to move up/down?
im using the scrollpane component and i want to load the menu inside the scrollpane because i have a lot of buttons and i wanted the user to be able to scroll through them rather then one big list on a page.
hga77 ive tried making my own scrolbar for it but no joy. did u have any luck???
Here is another example of a xml menu which has its own scrollbar. http://abrahamyan.com/v3/main.htm click on works and you will see it. I really would like to know how to do this for the project im working on.
-If you need to load this menu into another swf ( main swf for example), you would need to add a mask for the area required. And if so, you would also need to embed the characters.
-The ‘menu’ clip and the ‘scrollUp’ clip (both on the stage, second frame) MUST have the same _y value.
-This scroller will not function accuratly if submenus are added.
Andy242, to embed the characters, do the following:
Open the library. Find the item button (not subItem button, not sure what its called cos i have no access to flash at the mo). Double-click it from the library. You should see a dynamic text box (This holds the item name). Click it once. From the properties panel, you will see an icon called ‘embed characters’ or something (not sure cos no flash ). Click it and then click ‘embed all’. Thats it. let me know…