Syntax, sorry I cant help you mate, I’m travelling and have no access to flash at the moment…
hi hga77, thanks very much for posting this menu.
i’m an xml newbie, so bare with with me, but i don’t see where the code is that actually creates the
menu graphics. there doesn’t seem to be any code in the main timeline that references any of the movie clips.
all of the mc’s you’ve included seem to serve a purpose, except for the menu mc, which is blank. what’s its purpose? and what am i missing here? i’m using flash mx, is it not displaying something?
thanks in advance.
‘menu mc’ serves a very important purpose. Without this mc, the menu would be nothing…
It holds the main part of code for the menu. Select the ‘menu mc’ and open the actions panel…you will see the code
No problem dude,
I’ve found some of the answers myself…
hi hga77, i’ve opened up every iteration of this file you’ve posted. and in all of them, ‘menu’ is an empty movie clip – no key frames, no AS. do you have any idea why this info wouldn’t be showing up?
thanks again.
Im sorry bustr but I have no clue why you cant see anything :-/
::Hey hga77
I was just checking out the menu, it is very cool. I was also trying to get the menu to load a swf or url. I looked back through the different posts and found someone else was trying to do the same, and I downloaded the file that you set up with url and non url. I for some reason could not get it to load a swf, i dont know if i was missing something or not.
All that happens is in my output window it says url or nonurl, it doesnt actually get the url or swf.
You’ve gotta go into the code and make sure that you uncomment the area that says non-url. I don’t remember what part it’s attached to, but it’s there. It’s close to the top, so it’ll be hard to miss.
thanks, I sort of knew that had something to do with it but i didnt figure out were to find it, until after you told me to look for it.
np…ask and ye shall receive!
nice menu hga77!
i have a two part question to add to this excellent thread:
1 – i’d like to have all the subItems open when the menu is initialized and turn off the submenu accordian effect (expanding when clicked). basicly, all the items + subItems would be visible all the time. how would i accomplish this? i tried playing with the actionscript on the menu MC, but couldn’t figure it out…
2 – also, i have two types of links in the menu: gotoAndPlay and getURL. would both of these go under [COLOR=DarkGreen]function executeAction(action)[/COLOR] on line 3 of the menu MC? if so, could you provide an example?
[COLOR=DarkRed][ EDIT ] – okay; i added both functions to the .as:
function executeAction(action)
function executeAction(url)
getURL( url, "_blank");
the getURL works, but not the gotoAndStop…not sure what i’m doing wrong…[/COLOR]
For request 1.) you dont need this menu at all to do that. Thats just a regular menu you can create with buttons in your movie. Just indent your submenus right?
hi niki. almost…i like some of the additional functions. also, i’m going to use the same style menu with varying links throughout the site. so, its more efficient for me if everything is automated in the .as and the links are defined within the xml.
hey man. Looks good. But you have set the unzip wrong. The XML and FLA have to be in the same directory, you put them in two seperate ones. just get rid of the XML stuff directory. Good work though!
Edit. I like your idea. I did one too, with an XML feed, and it to dynamicalyl attaches stuff. Strange how we had the same idea, different code… Great minds DO think alike, lol
hey Mith, its not wrong to have the xml file in a separate folder. The reason why I have it this way is because I always end up having many separate xml files doing different stuff for a single website, hence I put them all in a folder called “xmlStuff”. Its good to be organised
bonzai, how’s the work going?
hi hga. still stuck…not sure what to do about question 1. i added the extra function for question 2, but the gotoAndStop action isn’t working for some reason. :-/
i c, thats kewl.
ur welcome
Its always good to hear from mr. K himself
guys i’m very sorry about being slow with answers, i’ve been very busy recently. But I promise I will get back to everyone
cheers hga77, no problem.