Xml menu DONE :)

Anyone else with this menu may know the answer.

How do I change the font color? Font Size? Font Famliy? of each menu item?

For E.g

Main Menu items (bold & white)
Sub Menu items (regular & white)

I have managed to change the background cells fine.

Please note im pretty new to actionscript. My menu can be seen here:



hga77, would it be easy to change the code in teh fla to read the xml doc like this

	<name>"Service 1"</name>
	<action="Services vid 1"</action>
	<name>"Service 11"</name>
	<action="Services vid 11"</action>

rather then the way the xml file is layed out now???

My example is probably not correct thou, but if you get what i mean by the way i have tried to set it up.

awsome Menu…loved it!

what i am trying to do, using the .fla u last gave us with the downstate thingy, is have the menu in its own frame…and i want each button to load a URL in a different frame…how would i do that?

Ibeetles, its possible to have the xml in a different format, but I dont think we should change the menu somuch now.

niki, this would need more work and I dont have that time…sorry

I could pay you! Would that help?

dpemokid, why do you need to load them in different frames??
you can load url’s, you just need to specify them in the xml file.

i’m not following you…I dunt want the URLs to load in a blank page…i want them to load on the same page as the menu…how would i do that?


Just wanted to thank you for being a great contribution to the kirupa community. You should write a tutorial on the xml menu maybe, it would probably wipe out the need to answer all these questions.


thanks telekinesis. I learnt somuch from Kirupa, so this is just one way to say thanks :wink:

It would have to be a big tutorial though.

ok thats cool hga77, i was asking cos i am creating the xml file via php which is getting the data from a database, but i have now sorted it.

just script the php code so that it generates the same xml structure we use here :wink:

yeah i managed to sort out the php script with a lil help from another forum. Its just that i tried the tut on here out put xml via mysql & php and it lays it out differently.

your gona hate me thou, one other thing, for the gallery version of your menu. I want the xml file to hold an info tag to with a description about the pic. But i just want a dynamic text field on the page but not in the actual button that your menu makes, and when you click on a button the info text will appear in the dy text field is this possible to do???

yeah its possible…I’ll attach it later

I wonder how many times in this thread I said “Yeah, its possible” :trout:

Sorry for the last post. l’ve learn all message and now i understand where i cam put the code to load swf files.
But i 've just a question. How can i do to erase a link on a main heading and put the link ona subheading. I take an example. I’va a main heading called “Trips”. I don’t want a link on this heading but on the subheading below “trips1”, trips2". The subheadings functions but when i erase the link on the main heading, the menu doesn’t play. Can you give some informations about this.
Thanks for your time and your patience. :wink:

i tryed to put a fade script to the movie and a resize script but i´m no guru. I´m a new beeeee . So if the is enyone out the how knovs and have the time to help me with any of the abow things i wona do i realy appreciate it.

and i also wonder how to make the scrool horisontel?


peace! :player:

i have added a resize script to this but its at home. when i get home 2nite i will post the fla to you.

Also i will have a go for the scroll to go the other way.

Thank you !!! :beam: :beer: :beam: :beer:

sorry zaurbaz I dont follow you!

nessie here is the gallery with a resize script for you. I will have a look at the horizontal scroll for you in a bit but now im off to bed.

No problem HGA, i’ve find a solution. I just wanted to erase the link on the main heading. But when i erased the code (action=“myclip.swf”), the code didn’t function. But if you keep the code and replace “myclip.swf” by link1 for example, the menu functions perfectly.
Thanks a lot for your work. I will send you the url of my book when it will be online.
Hasta luego.