Xml menu DONE :)

The folder ‘living’ should be in the same folder as where the menu.swf is in. ie. ‘living’ should also be inside the root folder. If it is already, then post a zip with you menu/folders so we can have a look :slight_smile:

mtinch, I just realised something else that could be causing the problem. The attributes within the xml file are case sensetive when being published on the web, it is not case sensitive locally on your pc. So for example if the folder is called ‘Living’ (with capital ‘L’) and you have ‘living’ in your menuContent xml, then this setup would work only locally, but not on the web!

So make sure its all the same so that it works on the web too :wink:

That was it. I had a capital ‘L’ on the folder. Duh! I knew it was something simple I was just plain overlooking. Thanks.

I know you’ve heard it a lot, but I don’t think it can be said enough: thank you so much for this menu and for all the help you’ve provided.

no problem mtinch :wink:

Fla. for Ibeetles:

Cheers hga77.

Thank you very much, once again.

Was the only line of code you added this:

 _parent.thumbTitle.text = ""; 

Ibeetles, no that’s not the only line :slight_smile:

That would not be enough since we need to define all states defined as follows:

  • rollOver (code is in the ‘overItem’ mc since this mc is added in the over state within the button):
this._parent._parent._parent._parent.thumbTitle.text = this._parent._parent.info;
  • rollOut (code is on the button held in the ‘item’ mc)
on (rollOut)
	this._parent._parent.thumbTitle.text = "";	
  • release (this code is what you have mentioned already Ibeetles and it is for the release state)
_parent.thumbTitle.text = "";

Cheers hga77, thats exactly what i needed. :slight_smile:

Hi hga77!

I downloaded the latest file you made and i wander if it´s posible to make the thoumbs apper like the info text that you just done so you can place it were ever you like. I tryed with this but the next/prev dosent workeand the thoumbs is in condition to the buttom.


nessie i downloaded your zip but I still dont understand what you’re trying to achieve!

If you mean that the next/prev buttons dont work at the start of the fla (ie. before you select a thumb), this is becuase the current thumb is not specified and no thumb/image is currently selected. All you would need to do is have the first thumb (and hence image) would be selected onLoad of the fla. But I might be confused about what you need…Explain again and i’ll help you :slight_smile:

Hi hga77 !

I´m writeing all my question who i want to accomplish with this photo album i´m making. Excuse my bad English :blush: i dont mean that the next/prev buttons dont work at the start of the fla before you select a thumb. I mean that when i have selected a thumb the thumb image is visible but when i press next/prev the thumb-image do not change. just like it do when pressing thumb.

1.I wonder if the thumb-imges can apper on mouse over the thumb-bottom and if it´s posible to place the thumb-imges anywer just like you have done whith the info text on you laterst posted fla .

2.I also whont to place the next/prev buttom so they follow the pics box movment and always ar placed on eash side of the box.

3.I want to make different catalog´s of my pics just like the dropdown meny on this thread or just separate buttons that you could place wher ever.

4.And how do i get the first pics to loade when entering frame ?

:hugegrin: I hope this explain what i want to do and i fully understand if tis to much to ask. But if you have time over i realy appreciate the offer you make to help me. :love:

skyo sucks monkey balls!

Hi all I have tried to turn this menu into a horizontal menu.

It seems to work alright. I was wondering is there anyway to make it go backwards.


Hi all needing a horizontal menu,

I have made the menu work horizontally it work fine.

I was wondering if somebody could help me, I need to make the menu expand to the left and not the right.

If you have this working in the vertical please let me know.


Hey All,

  Just saw this thread....wicked wicked work.  I believe that this is all credit to hga77.  I work on stuff...need help, find something way more complex than what I was working on and realize that I am still a designer trying to code and that true programming like this of hga77 has put me to shame :)

  I have a request though as small as it might seem to many, has stumped me.  I love the xml_menu_v2_scrolled version (i forget which page it is on), how would one change the menu items so that they are a bit bigger vertically and horizontally, and have an image beside the text?

if this is too much i understand…

great stuff though, wicked cool.

page 3 is where I found the xml_menu_v2_scrolled file.

u need to edit the *item * in the library to change the sizes. If you want an image by the side of it, look for the gallery version as it has a thumbnail by the side of the buttons.

man…hga77…that guy has outdone himself. We should all be thanking him for putting his time into this menu and all it’s variations, especially those who he helped directly.

Great job man. I know, i’ve learned a ton just from going through this thread.

amazing menu, many thanks!

Can anyone tell me how Can I cutomize the font color and … change the font type !?!

I try to look at the buttons inside, but when I test movie, nothing happen?!

try embeding them tri_s :beer: