thank you so very much i love it. I have a question is it posible to get the info text and the meny and the next/perv buton to resize whith the image??? And fade in out. And if you have the time could you show me :hugegrin: and if not thank you for this wonderful flash script.
I’ve gone through this whole thread and played around with different files and rearranging and changing the script. But I cant seem to understand how to create new variables which will read from the xml file, other than action. Could I ask that someone explain to me where to add in new variables? Please, it would help clear and defrag my brain a tonne.
I’ve managed to create my own secondary and tertiary variables, after a long headache. Now just one quick question that I hope some of you with as experience can help me with. When I click on a sub I want to have it tell an instance on the main stage to do play. The instance name is controlled by the variable’s value, so far I can’t get it to work. I’m trying with…
function executeAction(action, mclip)
The trace shows that both variables hold the correct and legitimate values. The netstream does work, however the gotoAndPlay the instance on the main stage does not. Any suggestions… pls pls pls pls pls… thanks:P
This is baffeling me abit… Ive gone through all the posts and etc, and only one sort of stands out for what i need to do. I want to create a glossary type nav so when u click on an item it shows the name and glossary term in seperate fields in the flash piece.
I can get the description to show up in a field using the “_parent.desc_txt.text = description;” but i cant get anything else to work. The way i got it to work is by renaming the action bit in the code to description and somehow it worked… (i really have no idea what im doing).
Can someone please have a look at what ive done and tell me where ive gone wrong. Its baffeling me. This is just a testing piece so the fields are just added to the existing me.
one more question how do i do if i want to make different catalog´s of my pics. Butoms that i can place in a catalog meny and i wonder is i also can get help whith the xml to. :beam: :beam: :beam: :beam:
and how do i get the first pics to loade when entering frame ?
Hi hga77, i tried to use your menu, menu is cool but how can i use the action attribute?
E.G. I will make some link (www. or go to another frame in movie.
I is possible?
I think it has had to be posted already, but i cant find it.
one more question how do i do if i want to make different catalog´s of my pics. Butoms that i can place in a catalog meny and i wonder if i also can get help whith the xml to. And is ther any vay to make the thumb look diferent ven been visited??
and how do i get the first pics to loade when entering frame ?
one more question how do i do if i want to make different catalog´s of my pics. Butoms that i can place in a catalog meny and i wonder if i also can get help whith the xml to. And is ther any vay to make the thumb look diferent ven been visited??
and how do i get the first pics to loade when entering frame ?
hga77, how would i refer to one of the buttons for onRollOver???. I am doing something with the gallery version, and when u mouse over the image i want the name to appear in a text box. I have tried all sorts but i just cant seem to do it.
I’ve learned quite a bit of Flash from this thread. However, I’m having a really troublesome newbie problem.
I cannot get the menu to find the .swf its pointed to in the menuContent.xml file when I post it to the web. When I test the movie in Flash it works perfectly. When I post the files to the web it seems to become lost.
I have the menu.swf in the root directory with the .swf I wish to load in a folder called living. My menuContent.xml file resides in the xmlstuff folder. The xml reads as follows:
Not to repeat myself too much, but it works when I test it in flash, but once I post it, it cannot find it. If I put the mx1.swf in the root directory it can find it and works perfectly. I just have to change the action=“mx1.swf”, I don’t know if I’m missing a / somewhere or what.