I need to build a simple system to manage news on a flash site, so that a client can login, and add simple news stories [title, date, news story].
They need to be archived - so that the 5 most recent news stories are shown as title’s on the homepage, and on the news page itself maybe the 10 most recent news stories can be seen in a list of current news, and the rest in a list of archived news beneath this. Always you would just see the title in the list, and the full story in a main text window when you click on it.
I know how to load external text files, and have used basic text files like newsstory1=blahblahblah&newsstory2=nahnahnah&newsstory3=wahwahwah before. I have used very basic PHP before - but from doing some research here and elswhere it seems XML would be a good way to do the above. (Don’t want to use mySQL if possible!)
http://www.sephiroth.it/tutorials/flashPHP/news/page003.php and [url=“http://www.kirupa.com/web/xml/examples/newseditor.htm”]http://www.kirupa.com/web/xml/examples/newseditor.htm look like a good starting point, but very complicated.
So wandering what is the easiest way to do something like this - even if it was just very crude use of actionscript that saved new stories to a text field, and archived them by number?
Would appreciated your thoughts/help!!!