XML Photo Gallery "Undefined" error upon publishing


First off I would like to say thanks to everyone involved in the creation of this wonderful site. It is a remarkable resource and I am very excited to have found it!

Now on to my question about the tutorial for the XML Photo Gallery.

I am trying to add images to the XML file and keep getting this message from the output box in Flash:

[COLOR=Red] Error opening URL “file:///Hard%20Drive/Users/desktop/XML%20Photo%20Gallery/undefined”[/COLOR]

I have my images in the same folder as the flash and XML documents. I have also saved these files to the folder. My only thought is that since I am on my computer at work that our servers have something to do with it, but I am not sure. This is my first attempt at XML so the chance for user error is very high. If anyone has had this happen and knows a solution, please drop me a line.

Thanks in advance.