I have a XML vertical scroller list from this tutorial (http://tutorials.flashmymind.com/2009/04/vertical-menu-with-actionscript-3-and-xml/). I have the XML scroller working, but I want it to load a content tag inside the XML into a dynamic text box on the stage. Here is the Actionscript I am working with:
//Import TweenMax
import com.greensock.*;
//The path for the XML file (use your own here)
var xmlPath:String = "menu.xml";
//We will store the loaded XML to this variable
var xml:XML;
//Create a loader and load the XML. Call the function "xmlLoaded" when done.
var loader = new URLLoader();
loader.load(new URLRequest(xmlPath));
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
//This function is called when the XML file is loaded
function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void {
//Make sure that we are not working with a null variable
if ((e.target as URLLoader) != null ) {
//Create a new XML object with the loaded XML data
xml = new XML(loader.data);
//Call the function that creates the menu
//Create a menu holder that will contain all the menu items
var menuHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
//Give it the same position as the mask
menuHolder.x = myMask.x;
menuHolder.y = myMask.y;
//Assign a mask for the menu
menuHolder.mask = myMask;
//Add the holder to the stage
//We want to keep count how many menu items have been created
var count:Number = 0;
function createMenu():void {
//Loop through all the <button></button> nodes in the XML
for each (var button:XML in xml.buttons.button) {
//Create a new menu item
var menuItem:MenuItem = new MenuItem();
//Position the menu item with some padding (space between the items)
menuItem.x = 0;
menuItem.y = count * menuItem.height * 1.05;
//Add a menu text
menuItem.menuText.text = button.label.toString();
//Assign a "linkTo" variable. This contains the URL where the menu will link to when clicked.
menuItem.linkTo = button.linkTo.toString();
menuContent.text = button.mContent.toString();
//We don't want the item text field to catch mouse events
menuItem.mouseChildren = false;
//Add listeners for the mouse over, mouse out and click.
menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverItem);
menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutItem);
menuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, itemClicked);
//Add the item to the menu holder
//Update the count (how many items have been created)
//Call the function that adds listeners for the whole menu
//This function is called when the mouse is over an item
function mouseOverItem(e:Event):void {
//Get the item that dispatched the event
var item:MenuItem = e.target as MenuItem;
//Tween the alpha
TweenMax.to(item.menuFill, 0.5, {alpha: 1});
//This function is called when the mouse moves out from an item
function mouseOutItem(e:Event):void {
//Get the item that dispatched the event
var item:MenuItem = e.target as MenuItem;
//Tween the alpha
TweenMax.to(item.menuFill, 1, {alpha: 0.3});
//This function is called when an item is clicked
function itemClicked(e:Event):void {
//Get the item that dispatched the event
var item:MenuItem = e.target as MenuItem;
//Navigate to the URL that's assigned to the menu item
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(item.mContent);
menuContent.text = item.mContent;
//This function adds mouse event listeners for the whole menu
function addMenuListeners():void {
//Add mouse over and out listeners
menuHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverMenuF);
menuHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOutMenuF);
//Add an ENTER_FRAME listener for the animation
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
//We want to know when the mouse is over the menu
var mouseOverMenu:Boolean = false;
//This function is called when the mouse is over the menu
function mouseOverMenuF(e:Event):void {
//Set mouseOverMenu to true
mouseOverMenu = true;
//This function is called when the mouse moves out from the menu
function mouseOutMenuF(e:Event):void {
//Set mouseOverMenu to false
mouseOverMenu = false;
//This function is called in each frame
function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void {
//Check if the mouse is over the menu
if (mouseOverMenu) {
//Calculate the vertical distance from the mouse to the mask's top left corner (=registration point)
var distance:Number = mouseY - myMask.y;
//Calculate the percentage
var percentage:Number = distance / myMask.height;
//Calculate the new target y coordinate (remember that y reduces as we go up)
var targetY:Number = -((menuHolder.height - myMask.height) * percentage) + myMask.y;
//Tween to the new coordinate
TweenMax.to(menuHolder, 0.2, {y: Math.round(targetY)});
any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!