Xml to movieclip

Alright, I have a map and I am loading xml information. I want it to load the information and based on the location name, attach a movie clip in a specified x and y position.

So, if there is an xml node named Denver I want all its info to get attached to a movieclip on the map. If denver isn’t a location then the clip wont appear.

I also want this info to show up on a rollover state, but thats other issues… I can do this when i know the information but im having trouble holding variable names from my for loop. This sounds long winded, but heres some code that might help give you an idea of what im thinking of…

function buildUI(){
    var myLength;
    var conventions = new Array();
    for (var x=0; x<menu_xml.childNodes[0].childNodes.length; x++) {
        var temp = this.attachMovie("pulse",temp.myName,depth++);
        temp._x = 25*x;
        temp.myName = menu_xml.childNodes[0].childNodes[x].attributes.place;
        temp.myPlace = menu_xml.childNodes[0].childNodes[x].childNodes[0].attributes.name;
        temp.myLoc = menu_xml.childNodes[0].childNodes[x].childNodes[0].attributes.location;
        temp.myMonth = menu_xml.childNodes[0].childNodes[x].childNodes[0].attributes.month;
        temp.myDays = menu_xml.childNodes[0].childNodes[x].childNodes[0].attributes.days;
        temp.onRollOver = genericRollOver;
        temp.onRollOut = genericRollOut;
        conventions.myName = temp.myName;

        conventions.push(      [x,temp.myName,temp.myPlace,temp.myLoc,temp.myMonth,temp.myDays]     );

function genericPosition(){
    if(foo.myName = "Denver"){
        foo._x = 100;
        foo._y = 100;
    if(foo.myName = "Dallas"){
        foo._x = 300;
        foo._y = 100;