Read xml with attachMovie

I have an xml file which i read in in flash and putting every ‘item’ beneath another one with attachMovie.

My xml looks like


Actions on first frame with a movieclip in the library (actionscript export activated - name: itemClip - itemName and itemDetails are the two dynamic textfields in the movieclip ‘itemClip’)

menuXml = new XML();
 menuXml.ignoreWhite = true;
 menuXml.onLoad = function(success) {
   if (success) {
    menuItem = this.firstChild.childNodes;
    for (var i=0; i<menuItem.length; i++) {
 	  item = _root.attachMovie("itemClip", "itemClip" + i, i);
 	  //put item on stage: 50 is the start x and y value from top left
 	  //30 is the value to add to y for each new itemClip
 	  item._x = 50;
 	  item._y = 50+20*i;
 	  item.itemName.text = menuItem*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
 	  item.itemDetails.text = menuItem*.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
 	  item.myUrl = menuItem*.childNodes[2].firstChild.nodeValue;
 	  item.onRelease = function() {

What i want is the following :

  1. The movieclip is now generated on the stage… but i would like to have it with a scroller… and with a mask on it… or in a scrollpane…

  2. I also would like to now if I click on an item, how can i pass a the value of a variable to another piece of actionscript in wich i will show the details in a dynamic textfield (or multiple textfields)… Just like in php : a list of all items and when you click on one, you’ll get the details of that item.

I only want to use flash with xml… no php if possible.

Thanks to the person who can help me out on this !!

  1. The movieclip is now generated on the stage… but i would like to have it with a scroller… and with a mask on it… or in a scrollpane…

Found a solution for the first part of my question in