XML Tree Menu Help

guys, I found this tutorial on the web for a Tree Menu powered by XML. It works fine except I cannot get it to link to anything. I have attached the file with source, and xml just like I downloaded it. Can anyone help me? Thanks

Tutorial Location:http://www.sephiroth.it/tutorials/flashPHP/custom_tree/index.php


I am just trying to get it to load an external .swf into my main movie. I can’t even get it to link to an external site so something is missing or worng.


File is too large to upload: Here is the source:

It has an XML connection node.

// Source begins here:
//Frame 1 (Prototypes)


  • Verify if the current XMLNODE is a child node
  • of the passed node
    XMLNode.prototype.isChildNodeOf = function (targetParent:XMLNode) {
    var ret:Boolean = false;
    var myParent:XMLNode = this;
    while (myParent.parentNode != undefined) {
    if (myParent == targetParent) {
    ret = true;
    myParent = myParent.parentNode;
    return ret;
  • Return a list of sibling nodes of the parent node
    XMLNode.prototype.getBrotherChilds = function (cTree:mx.controls.Tree) {
    var parent = this.parentNode;
    for (var a = 0; a < parent.childNodes.length; a++) {
    if (parent.childNodes[a] != this and cTree.getIsOpen (parent.childNodes[a])) {
    return parent.childNodes[a];
    return undefined;

// Second set of code on another layer Frame 1
var treeListener:Object = new Object ();
treeListener.target = tree;
treeListener.opened = undefined;
treeListener.open_next = undefined;
/* a node in the tree has been selected */
treeListener.change = function (evt:Object) {
var node = evt.target.selectedItem;
var is_open = evt.target.getIsOpen (node);
var is_branch = evt.target.getIsBranch (node);
var node_to_close = node.getBrotherChilds (this.target);
// close the opened node first
if (this.target.getIsOpen (node_to_close) and this.target.getIsBranch (node_to_close)) {
this.target.setIsOpen (node_to_close, false, true, true);
this.open_next = node;
} else {
if (is_branch) {
this.target.setIsOpen (node, true, true, true);
} else {
this.target.selectedNode = node;
this.target.dispatchEvent ({type:“click”, target:evt.target});
this.open_next = undefined;
treeListener.closeNode = function (node:XMLNode) {
for (var a in node.childNodes) {
if (this.target.getIsOpen (node.childNodes[a])) {
this.closeNode (node.childNodes[a]);
this.target.setIsOpen (node, false, false);
treeListener.nodeClose = function (evt:Object) {
this.closeNode (evt.node);
if (this.open_next != undefined and evt.target.getIsBranch (this.open_next)) {
evt.target.setIsOpen (this.open_next, true, true, true);
} else {
evt.target.selectedNode = this.open_next;
this.target.dispatchEvent ({type:“click”, target:evt.target});
this.open_next = undefined;
treeListener.nodeOpen = function (evt:Object) {
evt.target.selectedNode = evt.node;

// set out listeners for the menu
tree.addEventListener (‘change’, treeListener);
tree.addEventListener (‘nodeClose’, treeListener);
tree.addEventListener (‘nodeOpen’, treeListener);

// third set of code on another layer Frame 1 (Styles)

// get the menu XML

// customize tree styles
this.tree.setStyle(“fontFamily”, this.test_text.getTextFormat().font);
this.tree.setStyle(“fontSize”, this.test_text.getTextFormat().size)
this.tree.setStyle(“embedFonts”, this.test_text.embedFonts)
this.tree.setStyle(“fontWeight”, this.test_text.getTextFormat().bold ? “bold” : “normal”)
this.tree.setStyle(“depthColors”, [0x003366,0x013972,0x014383,0x01498F,0x01509C,0x0153A3])
this.tree.setStyle(“borderStyle”, “none”);
this.tree.setStyle(“selectionColor”, 0x666666);
this.tree.setStyle(“textRollOverColor”, 0x000000);
this.tree.setStyle(“defaultLeafIcon”, “nullicon”);
this.tree.setStyle(“folderOpenIcon”, “nullicon”);
this.tree.setStyle(“folderClosedIcon”, “nullicon”);
this.tree.setStyle(“disclosureClosedIcon”, “nullicon”);
this.tree.setStyle(“disclosureOpenIcon”, “nullicon”);
this.tree.vScrollPolicy = ‘off’
// set a custom cell renderer for the Tree
// See treecellrenderer.as file for details
this.tree.cellRenderer = ‘customTreeRow’
// These 2 styles will be used by the
// custom cellrenderer
this.tree.setStyle(“lineColor”, 0x000000);
this.tree.setStyle(“lineAlpha”, 20);